Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Children's Mental Health Research: The Power of Partnerships

Children's Mental Health Research: The Power of Partnerships
Kimberly Eaton Hoagwood,Peter S. Jensen,Mary McKay,Serene Olin | 2010-01-29 00:00:00 | Oxford University Press, USA | 192 | Mental Health
Research in children's mental health lags behind research for adults in part because it is intrinsically context-bound. Children are embedded in families, in schools, and in communities who have responsibility for their care. Making research findings useful and ensuring that they are applied to improve the lives of children and families requires attention to these contexts. This entails a process of collaboration with many partners--teachers, nurses, healthcare providers, church leaders, neighborhood group directors, and other community leaders. The process of collaboration in children's mental health is complicated but the products that it yields have the potential to benefit both children and families.

This volume, with the toolkit and casebook that it contains, distills the process of collaboration into manageable steps, and provides concrete examples of how researchers have addressed specific challenges.
The premise of the book is that collaborative research, in contrast to traditional research paradigms, will yield findings that are more ethical, valid, and useful.

Highlighting the transformation of science from ivory-tower theories to action-oriented practices, the editors offer practical advice for researchers and practitioners interested in using data to inform and transform children's mental health. Concrete examples of projects that have involved community leaders and researchers provide an insider's guide to conducting successful collaborations that can yield better results than traditional top-down research paradigms.

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Using Aspect-Oriented Programming for Trustworthy Software Development

Using Aspect-Oriented Programming for Trustworthy Software Development
| 2008-05-19 00:00:00 | | 0 | Programming

Learn how to successfully implement trustworthy computing tasks using aspect-oriented programming

This landmark publication fills a gap in the literature by not only describing the basic concepts of trustworthy computing (TWC) and aspect-oriented programming (AOP), but also exploring their critical interrelationships. The author clearly demonstrates how typical TWC tasks such as security checks, in-and-out conditions, and multi-threaded safety can be implemented using AOP.

Following an introduction, the book covers:

Trustworthy computing, software engineering, and computer science

Aspect-oriented programming and Aspect.NET

Principles and case studies that apply AOP to TWC

Coverage includes Aspect.NET, the AOP framework developed by the author for the Microsoft.NET platform, currently used in seventeen countries. The author discusses the basics of Aspect.NET architecture, its advantages compared to other AOP tools, and its functionality. The book has extensive practical examples and case studies of trustworthy software design and code using the Aspect.NET framework. In addition, the book explores other software technologies and tools for using AOP for trustworthy software development, including Java and AspectJ.

This book also includes a valuable chapter dedicated to ERATO, the author's teaching method employed in this book, which has enabled thousands of students to quickly grasp and apply complex concepts in computing and software engineering, while the final chapter presents an overall perspective on the current state of AOP and TWC with a view toward the future.

Software engineers, architects, developers, programmers, and students should all turn to this book to learn this tested and proven method to create more secure, private, and reliable computing.

User review
Bridging a much needed gap in the scientific literature, Dr. Safonov timely and rightfully focuses on the relationship between Trustworthy Computing (TWC) and AOP in this groundbreaking book. Typical TWC tasks such as reliability, security and privacy can be implemented using AOP by treating these tasks as aspects (cross cutting concerns). Support for systematic code injection, or weaving in AOP terms, is a practical need of trustworthy software development. Here Dr. Safonov explores the use of the AOP approach in achieving this goal. Most trustworthy software development features are known to be cross cutting concerns. AOP is eminently suited to TWC, as the essence of AOP is to separate/design/modify, or weave implementations of cross cutting concerns. The ideas in this book can further be used for quantification of security measures in regards with my personal research on quantitative trustworthy computing. As Dr. Safonov and myself started discussing this new idea; suppose T is the target application with an unknown lack of security LoS(T), and an estimated residual risk RR(T) where RR symbolizes Residual Risk after taking countermeasures on a vulnerability-threat domain using my Security-Meter algorithm. Assume we take the aspect A and weave or apply it to target T. Then, the task remains to estimate LoS(A(T)) to compare to RR(T). Students and professionals will benefit greatly from this work by learning a powerful and proven method to further trustworthy computing goals of security reliability and privacy. Dr. Safonov is to be commended for his work, which provides the TWC community with an important and highly innovative technology best suited to furthering these goals. I highly recommend this book to an entire audience who has a trustworthy-conscious mind.

Dr. M. Sahinoglu, Author of `Trustworthy Computing`, Wiley (2007), Director of Informatics Institute, Auburn University Montgomery, Montgomery AL 36124 USA

User review
a good book on software engineering worth returning to
Vladimir Safonov's book was not only quite interesting reading for me -- I would say that on several occasions it provided me with certain inspirations for my everyday work (I am a professional software design engineer). The book is written with a scrupulous care for details and coverage.

Chapter 1 is an easily readable and nice but nevertheless dense introduction to the book. While reading the chapter 2 (on trustworthy computing) I realized that I have never met such systematic approach on the topic, methodically explaining, illustrating and analyzing `pillars` of TWC and methodology of addressing TWC in two major programming environments, Microsoft's .NET and Sun's Java. Chapter 3 impressed me with systematic coverage on aspect-oriented programming. Before, I had only superficial knowledge of AOP -- now I understand its principals much better and understand not only benefits of the technology but pitfalls as well. Finally, in chapter 4 (I did not read through the chapter 5 since it is devoted to teaching to which I have little interest right now) two themes of previous chapters were presented together in an intertwined narration illustrated with a number of elaborated examples -- I found this chapter most interesting and inspiring. Effectively, a reader is presented with a full matrix where strong points of AOP are applied to every pillar of TWC (though the narration does not stop there; for example, I found quite interesting the section on combining AOP with Agile Programming approaches).

One important point about the book I would like to stress here is the author's unbiased approach to topics under consideration. For example, you will not find apologetic stances to either .NET or Java -- both competing technologies are considered thoroughly in regards to book's main themes. Another example is comparative consideration of various AOP frameworks like AspectJ/AspectWerkz, HyperJ (Java) and PostSharp, Aspect.NET (.NET) (the latter implemented by author's team at St. Petersburg State University). The chapter devoted to AOP includes a section which considers AOP's pitfalls in depth. I like this academic style a lot.

I will be keeping the book on the bookshelf in my office among other books which I like to open from time to time, like Steve McConnell's Code Complete or GoF's Design Patterns.

User review
AOP programming history, language, and teaching method
A very interesting book, laid out using Professor Safanov's ERATO teaching technique, which in itself is an interesting subject. Following this technique we find a book that can be read on different levels and bringing different points into focus.

For instance, the history lesson that everything builds upon, while the information is available it is put in perspective and includes not only the `western` computer history but that of the Soviet Union. This `total` history builds a better picture of why we are at the point in computing that the Aspect methods and tools are extremely desirable. It also explains the supporting infrastructure in the current language sets that support moving to Aspect oriented programming.

Another `aspect` of the book goes on to provide lessons in the use of Aspect programming and to how and why the syntax has, and is, being developed.

Then a lesson in lesson planning and the use of the ERATO teaching method thus coming full circle.

A must read for those interested in where programming has come from, is going to and those who wish to communicate, that is teach, the whole versus the components in isolation.

User review
The book,using AOP for TWC is an excellent entry for teaching. I especially thought the background information leading up to Microsoft's TWC initiative was exceptionally thorough and provided an excellent backdrop for advanced students learning AOP.

It is my opinion that the author was trying to not only expose the need for TWC-like efforts but additionally give the reader or lecturer the correct guidance and tools to build a effective class series. I had no problem with the authors focus on the .NET framework and the AOP implementations - this focus was well thought-out and thorough.

Teaching TWC or TWC principles should be a must in any current CS curriculum. Professor Safonov I believe has created an excellent gateway publication for advanced university students and provide an excellent foundation for lecturers to build upon. I especially liked the structure of the chapter on 'Teaching TWC and AOP' which I believe is an excellence structure for developers as well as students.

I highly recommend this book.

User review
Teaching as well as using AOP
This book is primarily about applications of aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to issues of `trustworthiness`, specifically in the context of Microsoft's `.NET` architecture. It is not an introduction to AOP (despite sections on history and `AOP Basics`); there are many other books that address that market. Nor is it an introduction to software trustworthiness in general. Rather, the chapter on `Trustworthy Computing` is focused on Microsoft's `TWC initiative` of 2002, and on the features of the .NET framework that support that initiative.

Early implementations of AOP, most notably AspectJ, were based on Java. The author and his team at St. Petersburg University, supported by Microsoft, have developed an AOP implementation for .NET. The architecture of their AOP implementation is described in detail, and a variety of examples are presented. The core of the book, the chapter on applications of AOP to TWC, treats, among other topics: error handling, synchronization, multithreading, privacy, reliability, and design-by-contract. Quantitative estimates of effects of AOP on efficiently and performance are provided. These estimates are based on a variety of assumptions which may be optimistic; and in fact the impacts of AOP on performance and on programmer productivity are an area in which much additional research is needed.

The final major chapter, `Teaching TWC and AOP`, reads like a separate book, and perhaps should have been. Here the author explains his teaching philosophy and methods, and provides detailed descriptions of AOP-related courses from the computer science curricula at St. Petersburg University, with specific course descriptions, topic lists, and even abbreviated lecture notes. This chapter could be a fertile source of ideas for any faculty planning similar courses or curricula.

The author has been extremely thorough in citing the literature; in fact, one of the side effects of reading this book was a tour through the earlier and current treatments and implementations of AOL. Over 160 references are listed, of which over half are web links (some of which, not surprisingly, are already dead).

An appendix provides five complex examples of AOP applications, with explanations and complete, fully tested source code.

Although not directed to the beginner, this book would be a valuable reference for programmers with some previous AOP experience (due to the excellent examples), and for university curriculum developers.

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Handbook of Extractive Metallurgy

Handbook of Extractive Metallurgy
Fathi Habashi | 1998-01-09 00:00:00 | Wiley-VCH | 2000 | Engineering
Extract all the metals information you need!

A wealth of data on metals and their extraction is revealed in this comprehensive handbook. The aim of this book is to provide a clear description of how a particular metal is extracted industrially from different raw materials, and on what its important compounds are.

The present work is a collection of 58 articles written by over 280 specialists. It supplies thousands of top-quality illustrations, diagrams and charts, and provides hand-picked references ensuring the most up-to-date coverage.

A unique feature of this reference work is its structure. The system used here is according to an economic classification, which reflects mainly the uses, occurrence and economic value of metals. First, the ferrous metals, i.e., those used in the production of iron and steel, are outlined. Then, nonferrous metals are subdivided into primary, secondary, light, precious, refractory, scattered, radioactive, rare earth, ferroalloy metals, and, finally, the alkali and the alkaline earth metals are described.

The handbook is an essential aid for the practising metallurgist. Mining engineers, mineralogists, chemical engineers, chemists and geologists will find it a comprehensive desk reference. It is of interest to engineers and scientists in industry seeking an exhaustive sourcebook, and it should be present in every library.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

From Unity to Pluralism: The Internal Evolution of Thomism

From Unity to Pluralism: The Internal Evolution of Thomism
Gerald McCool | 1992-01-01 00:00:00 | Fordham University Press | 248 | Philosophy
Through an in-depth study of the key figures in the twentieth-century Thomistic revival, McCool documents its internal evolution into the theologies of Rahner and Lonergran, with their openness to history, pluralism, and contemporary methods.

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The Eleventh Commandment

The Eleventh Commandment
Jeffrey Archer | 1998-01-01 00:00:00 | HarperCollins AudioBooks | 0 | Subjects

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Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street + Companion Web Site: A Comprehensive Guide to Today's Valuation Methods (Wiley Finance)

Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street + Companion Web Site: A Comprehensive Guide to Today's Valuation Methods (Wiley Finance)
Jeffrey C. Hooke | 2010-05-03 00:00:00 | Wiley | 408 | Finance
An insider's look at security analysis and business valuation, as practiced by Wall Street, Corporate America, and international businesses

Two major market crashes, numerous financial and accounting scandals, growth in private equity and hedge funds, Sarbanes Oxley and related regulations, and international developments changed security analysis and business valuation substantially over the last fourteen years. These events necessitated a second edition of this modern classic, praised earlier by Barron's as a "welcome successor to Graham and Dodd" and used in the global CFA exam.

This authoritative book shows the rational, rigorous analysis is still the most successful way to evaluate securities. It picks up where Graham and Dodd's bestselling Security Analysis - for decades considered the definitive word on the subject - leaves off. Providing a practical viewpoint, Security Analysis on Wall Street shows how the values of common stock are really determined in today's marketplace. Incorporating dozens of real-world examples, and spotlighting many special analysis cases - including cash flow stocks, unusual industries and distressed securities - this comprehensive resources delivers all the answers to your questions about security analysis and corporate valuation on Wall Street.

The Second Edition of Security Analysis on Wall Street examines how mutual funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, institutional money managers, investment banks, business appraisers, and corporate acquirers perform their craft of security analysis and business valuation in today's highly charged environment. Completely updated to reflect the latest methodologies, this reliable resource represents the most comprehensive book written by someone who has actually worked as an investment banker, private equity executive, and international institutional investor.

  • Shows the methodical process that practitioners use to value common stocks and operating companies and to make buy/sell decisions
  • Discusses the impact of the two stock market crashes, the accounting and financial scandals, and the new regulations on the evaluation process
  • Covers how Internet and computing power automate portions of the research and analytical effort
  • Includes new case study examples representative of valuation issues faced daily by mutual funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, institutional investors, investment banks, business appraisers, and corporate acquirers
  • Is a perfect tool for professors wishing to show their MBA students the essential tools of equity and business valuation

Security analysis and business valuation are core financial disciplines for Wall Streeters, corporate acquirers, and international investors. The Second Edition of Security Analysis on Wall Street is an important book for anyone who needs a solid grounding in these critical finance topics.

Despite what you hear about "efficient markets," the methodical work of security analysis and business valuation often takes a back seat to computerized research and trading these days. This book is pretty straight forward, and lays out the valuation process for practitioners, with lots of examples, anecdotes and insights that reflect today's reality, which includes, as we all know, Wall Street crashes, missed accounting shenanigans and herd mentality. The excel models that are on the site are helpful renditions of what Wall Street really uses, not some academic formula. You can tell this author really did time on Wall Street and private equity, and I thought many professionals who touch on finance and investment might find the book helpful, like lawyers, accountants, consultants and even government regulators. The book says "do your homework," and that applies to me and many others in the business!!
As a long time practitioner of value investing, it is inspiring to see recent business school graduates and new investment analysts praise the first or second editions of the book and tell how valauble it was for them in understanding this complex area. This book is certainly a better resource that anything we had years ago at Harvard Business School.

Perhaps I am a good reviewing source from the investment community, as over the past five-year period 2005 to 2009, I ranked as the number #1 performing separate account value manager in the country, and this ranking includes all market cap categories (per the Morningstar rankings).

Both the first and second editions of the book sit on the top shelf in my office,and I probably have referred back to the first edition more than any other book that I have.

In my dealings with Mr. Hooke on investment matters over the years, he has proven himself to be one of the smartest people I know in the investment profession.

Douglas R. Cannon, CFA

President and Chief Investment Officer

Texas First Investment Management Company
After working as a writer in the investment field for more than 10 years, I found myself using terms such as "discounted cash flow" without thorough understanding of what they really mean or how business valuation is done.

Now, after reading Security Analysis and Business Evaluation on Wall Street, I feel very well equipped to delve into the value of an investment and to better understand the analysis done by others.

The author clearly has thorough knowledge of a professional with many years of experience in investment banking, but he explains the concepts clearly so that any investor or business student can understand and use them.

Plenty of case histories explore specific companies and industries. It also includes a timely and cogent analysis of the 2008 crash--a fiasco largely caused by phony analysis of risk and value.

The book also includes access to a website with excellent working spreadsheets for Discounted Cash Flow and other valuation models. They alone are more than worth the price of the book. They could save an analyst or investor countless hours--plus they provide a great hands-on feel for the concepts so aptly illustrated in the book.

Hooke's work is lucid and illuminating. The relative value techniques make complicated analysis simpler. Perfect stuff for an interested lay person though I can't swear that it is exhaustive for a professional.
I just wanted to add several comments. Overall I am very familiar with the first edition of this book, because I had to use it as a major source of guidelines at my previous job. The book was a great source! I had some background in structured finance and investments analytics, but I had zero experience in equity valuation before. In some 40-60 hours I was able to learn a lot about firm valuation (especially useful material - dividend discount model, market comparables, and free cash flow models) so that I could start preparing my first equity valuation reports. The second edition is an extended version, which still has all the advantages of the first edition: straightforward approach to valuation, a lot of examples, as little cumbersome math as possible. It is definitely a must read for any private investor and novice financial analyst. By the way, some sections of this book (industry analysis) are still included in the CFA curriculum (level 2, Equity valuation).

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Peter Boot | 2009-01-01 00:00:00 | Amsterdam University Press | 288 | Computer Science
The most strikingly missing piece of functionality in current digital editions is that of annotation. Digital editions should offer a facility where researchers can store structured and unstructured observations with respect to the edited texts. This book discusses a number of approaches to annotation systems in the context of the study of emblems, the sixteenth and seventeenth century literary genre that joins an image, a motto and an often moralizing epigram. When handled properly, annotation can become mesotext, text positioned between the annotated texts and the scholarly articles and monographs for which the annotations provide the evidence. In a digital context, it should be possible to navigate back and forth between annotated text, annotation and article. Peter Boot was born in 1961. He studied Mathematics in Leiden and Dutch Language and Culture in Utrecht, where he specialised in Older Dutch Literature. Since 2003 he has been employed at the Huygens Institute, where he works as a humanities computing consultant and researcher.
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Dialogues and Addresses (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe)

Dialogues and Addresses (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe)
Madame de Maintenon | 2004-09-01 00:00:00 | University Of Chicago Press | 216 | France
Born Françoise d'Aubigné, a criminal's daughter reduced to street begging as a child, Madame de Maintenon (1653-1719) made an improbable rise from impoverished beginnings to the summit of power as the second, secret wife of Louis XIV. An educational reformer, Maintenon founded and directed the celebrated academy for aristocratic women at Saint-Cyr. This volume presents the dialogues and addresses in which Maintenon explains her controversial philosophy of education for women.

Denounced by her contemporaries as a political schemer and religious fanatic, Maintenon has long been criticized as an opponent of gender equality. The writings in this volume faithfully reflect Maintenon's respect for social hierarchy and her stoic call for women to accept the duties of their state in life. But the writings also echo Maintenon's more feminist concerns: the need to redefine the virtues in the light of women's experience, the importance of naming the constraints on women's freedom, and the urgent need to remedy the scandalous neglect of the education of women.

In her writings as well as in her own model school at Saint-Cyr, Maintenon embodies the demand for educational reform as the key to the empowerment of women at the dawn of modernity.

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Linear and quasilinear elliptic equations, Volume 46 (Mathematics in Science and Engineering)

Linear and quasilinear elliptic equations, Volume 46 (Mathematics in Science and Engineering)
Ladyzhenskaya | 1968-02-11 00:00:00 | Academic Press | 496 | Information Theory

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J. G. Merquior | 1987-04-23 00:00:00 | University of California Press | 188 | Scientists
In this concise, witty critical study, Merquior examines Foucault's work on madness, sexuality, and power and offers a provocative assessment of Foucault as a "neo-anarchist." Merquior brings an astonishing breadth of scholarship to bear on his subject as he explores Foucault using insights from a range of fields including philosophy, sociology, and history.
A must-read for any humanities graduate student, Merquior's book picks apart the major works of Foucault and finds, lo and behold, that the theorist failed in every major intellectual inquiry he ever made. Merquior does indeed "have an agenda"; to wit, he was asked to consider Foucault's writings in depth and write an analysis of them. He did exactly that and found an abundant amount of circular logic, shoddy history, and major concepts cribbed from Saussure, Nietzsche, Bachelard, and various other writers. Quite amusingly, Merquior begins every chapter with a few perfunctory words of praise and a thorough summary of a different book, and then explains in great detail why Foucault's arguments don't hold water. Merquior does not, in fact, have an agenda, nor is he in any sense a cultural conservative, but he does recognize the problems with nihilism as a pose, and he can smell a fraud when he sees one.
I chose to read this book precisely because it did not include an extensive biography. In this book, Merquior traces the major developments in Foucault's thought, offering critical commentary and the opinions of many other historians, philosophers, and sociologists. In places, I was surprised by Merquior's frank wit, and at other times I was annoyed by the abundance of untranslated titles and quotations. All in all I would say that I benefited from reading this book, even though I would never say that it was all that insightful or well written. It is clear that Merquior is not all that sympathetic to Foucault's program, and he managed to convince me that Foucault is largely undeserving of the fame that his name has received. From what Merquior has said, it sounds like Foucault's adaptation of Nietzsche's will to power is an interesting idea. Though Merquior constantly points out that Foucault offers no argument for the idea that the will to truth is only thinly veiled will to power, I could not help but notice that Foucault's incessant reliance on his provocative reinterpretations of history were a case in point. As Merquior proceeded to point out error after error in Foucault's history, I could not help but think of the Orwell slogan "he who controls the present controls the past." It seems that Foucault has abandoned the correspondence theory of truth (as has most of modern philosophy) and the coherence theory as well. What he seems to end up with is an odd sort of will to power pragmatism where truth is simply what can get you the most followers. This idea is very close to what Merquior calls "intellectual machismo". He explains the phrase on p.157:

In intellectual machismo, the strength of one's argument is not propped up by logical quality-rather, it is conveyed by the unflinching self-confidence of one's tone. Impressiveness, not cogency, is the thing. So it is with Shaw; so with Sartre-and so, too, with Foucault.

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Working for Full Employment

Working for Full Employment
John Philpott | 1997-01-15 00:00:00 | Routledge | 264 | Economics
Draws upon contributions from experienced labour market experts and public policy analysts. Provides a readable and stimulating perspective on new ways to combat mass joblessness.

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Urban Religion in Roman Corinth: Interdisciplinary Approaches (Harvard Theological Studies)

Urban Religion in Roman Corinth: Interdisciplinary Approaches (Harvard Theological Studies)
Daniel Schowalter,Steven J. Friesen | 2005-08-31 00:00:00 | Harvard Divinity School | 485 | Greece

This book discusses the history, topography, and urban development of Corinth with special attention to civic and private religious practices in the Roman colony. Expert analysis of the latest archaeological data is coupled with consideration of what can be known about the emergence and evolution of religions in Corinth. Several scholars consider specific aspects of archaeological evidence and ask how enhanced knowledge of such topics as burial practice, water supply, and city planning strengthens our understanding of religious identity and practice in the ancient city. This volume seeks to gain insight into the nature of the Greco-Roman city visited by Paul, and the ways in which Christianity gradually emerged as the dominant religion.

This is a collaborative effort by scholars of archaeology, Greco-Roman studies, and early Christian literature who met at Harvard University in January 2002. It is the third in a series of volumes on ancient cities utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to understand urban life in ancient times. The earlier books are Ephesos: Metropolis of Asia (1995)--now back in print--and Pergamon: Citadel of the Gods (1998).


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Chariots of the Gods?

Chariots of the Gods?
Erich von Daniken | 1969-10-01 00:00:00 | Souvenir Press Ltd | 192 | Subjects
The author attempts to explain such perplexing archaeological discoveries as the stone figures on Easter Island and various temple and cave drawings.
Really cool book! It makes you think. I heard about this author while watching a program on the Discovery channel(I think) about aliens and their possible role in ancient civilizations. The book is an easy read and very interesting...it makes you think. If you're interested in history and aliens it's definitely worth checking out.
I have enjoyed reading Erich's writings. He takes you to interesting places, both geographically and mentally. I only read chariots of the gods and this movie I saw. Ha. the 70s music accompianment was great. I need to get ahold of all his other stuff. I also work with a fan of erich-very neat to know someone else knows of erich and loves his work, too.
This was trash when it first came out in the seventies and it is still trash.
I'm going to make this short and sweet because you have to get this book and read it.

Open your mind.
I read this book in the 70's and ahd a difficult time believing it as a ten year old. How anyone can view this as interesting is beyond me - remmeber the nova episode that debunked him where he admitted hiring a potter to fake some of his alien depictions?

did he mention while at easter island he watched a group of men set up a statue that could only be moved by aliens with a block and tackle? don't waste your money

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Astrophysical Disks: Collective and Stochastic Phenomena (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)

Astrophysical Disks: Collective and Stochastic Phenomena (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
Aleksey M. Fridman,M.Y. Marov,Ilya G. Kovalenko | 2006-07-28 00:00:00 | Springer | 351 | Algorithms

The book deals with collective and stochastic processes in astrophysical disks involving theory, observations, and the results of modelling. Among others, it examines the spiral-vortex structure in galactic and accretion disks, stochastic and ordered structures in the developed turbulence. It also describes sources of turbulence in the accretion disks, internal structure of disk in the vicinity of a black hole, numerical modelling of Be envelopes in binaries, gaseous disks in spiral galaxies with shock waves formation, observation of accretion disks in a binary system and mass distribution of luminous matter in disk galaxies.

The editors adeptly brought together collective and stochastic phenomena in the modern field of astrophysical disks, their formation, structure, and evolution involving the methodology to deal with, the results of observation and modelling, thereby advancing the study in this important branch of astrophysics and benefiting professional researchers, lecturers, and graduate students.

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Brandyjack (Laser #39)

Brandyjack (Laser #39)
Augustine Funnell | 1976-08-01 00:00:00 | Laser Books | 192 | Subjects
Laser Books August 1976 release. Original science fiction novels, three novels were issued per month beginning August 1975 until the line folded in February 1977.

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Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons

Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons
Curtis Klaassen | 2007-01-01 00:00:00 | McGraw-Hill Professional; 7 edition | 1280 | Medicine
The most complete, trusted reference text covering the full span of medical toxicology

Long established as the gold standard in the field, Casarett & Doull's Toxicology equips you with an unsurpassed understanding of modern toxicology, including the principles, concepts, mechanisms, and modes of thought that are the foundation of the discipline. The new seventh edition features is updated throughout and includes many new contributors and new content on chemical terrorism.
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Expert WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 Programming

Expert WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 Programming
Shahram Khosravi | 2008-01-01 00:00:00 | Wrox | 816 | Programming
Product Description
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is a built-in feature of Windows Server that allows for the development of collaborative business applications. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) is an integrated server offering that leverages the WSS 3.0 features of Windows Server and adds an additional 100+ collaborative features. With WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 combined, you can create a variety of highly collaborative business applications. Using numerous practical, real-world examples, this book discusses implementing custom master pages, programming against site pages, implementing custom application pages, developing custom server controls, and extending existing controls.

From the Back Cover
Expert WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 Programming

Providing you with in-depth coverage of the WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 development framework, this book shares step-by-step recipes and real-world examples to help you develop the skills you need to become a proficient WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 developer.

Code-walkthroughs and in-depth technical discussions explore implementing features, list and field types, actions, site columns and site content types,application pages, and site definitions and site provisioning providers. Get detailed coverage of field-rendering server controls, web configuration modification via SharePoint® object model, extending the STSADM command line utility, feature receivers, custom timer jobs, feature dependency, and feature stapling. The book also covers event receivers (including list, item, and web event receivers), and reviews code access security and SharePoint Web parts. Plus, you'll learn how to package your SharePoint solution in a single deployment package and deploy it as a single unit.

What you will learn from this book

How to implement custom features, actions, application pages, list and field types, site columns and site content types, and site definitions and site provisioning providers
Techniques for modifying web configuration files via SharePoint object model, extending the STSADM command line utility, and implementing custom timer jobs
How to develop feature receivers, feature dependencies, and feature stapling
Ways to implement list, item, and web event receivers
How to implement SharePoint solution packages
Techniques for developing custom SharePoint Web parts
How to use the Business Data Catalog XML markup language to implement BDC application definition files

Who this book is for
This book is for SharePoint developers who are interested in exploring the programming capabilities of WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007.

Wrox Expert books present the wisdom accumulated by an experienced author team who is recognized as experts by the programming community. These experts challenge professional developers to examine their current practices in pursuit of better results.

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Product Details

* Paperback: 816 pages
* Publisher: Wrox; New edition (October 27, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 047038137X
* ISBN-13: 978-0470381373
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The Traitor's Hand: A Ciaphas Cain novel (Warhammer 40,000)

The Traitor's Hand: A Ciaphas Cain novel (Warhammer 40,000)
Sandy Mitchell | 2005-06-07 00:00:00 | Games Workshop | 416 | War
By public demand, a new outrageous tale from the career of Commissar Ciaphas Cain, a man who; despite his best attempts to avoid danger and live the easy life, is constantly thrust into fame and fortune. Featuring futuristic military action, thrills and humour, The Traitor's Hand is sure to be a popular title. He will be a hero, whether he wants to be or not...
Imperial Guard's Commissar Ciaphas Cain is still trying to avoid any serious action that may get him killed. Yet he keeps finding himself and his gunner, Jurgen, in the worst possible places. This time Cain must also deal with an old classmate, Commissar Tomas Beije. The two were never friends. Beije is still as pig-headed and stupid as always, but his jealousy of Cain's career makes things much worse.

Cain's latest mission takes him and his Valhallan regiment to the planet of Adumbria to defend against an approaching Chaos invasion. It soon becomes apparent that a sinister cult has formed and is summoning something so horrible that the entire universe is in peril.

***** This book is the best of the series thus far! The Adumbria campaign has more going on than the previous two, if that's possible. Readers learn a little more about Jurgen as well (and I am not referring to his overwhelming body odor). There are still footnotes all throughout the book, but unlike the second novel ("Caves of Ice"), there are not too many and I don't believe any of them are pointless this time around. An outstanding story for all! *****

Reviewed by Detra Fitch of Huntress Reviews.
This third installment in the Ciaphas Cain series by M. Mitchell is every bit as much of an homage to George MacDonald Fraser's Flashman series as the previous novels. The writing is playful and the editorial comments (fictional) alternate between witty and added exposition.

However, our misunderstood hero, Imperial Commissar Cain, isn't quite as despicable as M. Fraser's main character, and it might be argued that in this book, where his only motivation seems to be to preserve his over-inflated reputation, he isn't terribly cowardly at all, since regardless of inspiration he virtually always does the right thing. As one definition of bravery is doing the right thing even in the face of fear, his continual protestations of his own cowardice wear thin by the end of the book.

There are also only so many ways in a first person narrative to express the same sentiment time and time again - in this case fear - and as the reader nears the end, he will recognize repetition in the writer's craft. On a related point, some of the plot elements fit into the developing puzzle just a tad too neatly for suspension of disbelief at times.

This is not to say that the book is bad; it's not, and is still a very enjoyable read. M. Mitchell writes spirited action scenes, and these too are infused with the humor that prevails throughout. The supporting characters add their own contribution to the entertainment, as does the watchful and sardonic editor of the tales. His portrayal of the Imperial Guard and the Commissariat is well thought out and will delight players of the Warhammer 40K game who enjoy good solid "fluff."

In short: a fun read (especially for 40K fans), but not quite equal to the infamous Flashman.
Exceptionally great. Loved every minute of it and cannot wait for the next book with Commissar Cain.
There isn't much to say about this third novel following the

exploits of Commissar Ciaphas Cain.

It's basically a different setting, a different situation,

and more of the usual from Sandy Mitchell. Which

is a very good thing in this case.

Any of the reviews for the author's previous novels,

"For the Emperor", and "Caves of Ice" still apply to this novel.

Anything I can say has already been said. If you enjoyed the

previous novels, you'll love this one as well.
Much to my chagrin, a lot of the readers of fiction set in the grim, mature, and astoundingly rich universe of Warhammer 40k look for only one thing in their novels, violence and action. While I don't share this nearly dogmatic lust I can't blame them. When you have a setting with a tagline of "In the future there is only War" you can't blame someone for looking for a certain amount of bloodshed and mayhem. Most of the writers for 40k either share this rabidly single-minded obsession or grudgingly close their eyes and give the readers what they want, often at the expense of quality writing, immersion, setting, emotion, and story.

There are a few exceptions, a few diamonds in the rough, these authors and these books are the ones that leave an indelible impression on the reader. The authors who succeed in rising above the mundane Warhammer action-fest fiction do so by putting their own slant on the universe, through their eyes we see the setting in new and unexpected ways. Is there war in these books? Without question, you can't have Warhammer without it but there is also something more.

This feat of "more" is accomplished via a myriad number of techniques: Dan Abnett gives us scope, detail and characterization. William King sweeps us up in passion and hope. Sandy Mitchell author of the books of Commissar Ciaphas Cain does it with sometimes sardonic, occasionally blood-soaked but always sarcastic humor and interesting writing style.

The books of Ciaphas Cain in general and The Traitor's Hand in particular do not read like other Warhammer 40k novels. Rather than reading a simple story told via the traditional first person perspective the reader is immersed in an historical record. The escapades of Cain are told not by the author but by the Commissar himself in the form of his memoirs. Throughout the work we are also treated to the comments, in the form of footnotes, of an Imperial Inquisitor who has taken it upon herself to provide additional detail, sub-text, and explanation of key points. Additionally there are occasionally comments from other characters from Cain's story gleaned from their own memoirs or journals and presumably corralled by the aforementioned Inquisitor. Through the use of this style Sandy Mitchell slickly gives us the perspectives of numerous characters on the events transpiring all the while keeping the focus of the work tightly and seamlessly placed upon the shoulders of Commissar Cain.

My only complaints are that Sandy Mitchell does not give us more depth in the setting and that the other characters in the Traitor's Hand seem muted rather than actual people. I hope he applies the talent for characterization that he proves he has with Ciaphas Cain to the others in the future.

Although he does his best to hide it, particularly in his self-deprecating memoirs, Commissar Ciaphas Cain is believed by the Imperium at large to be a hero, a notion he strongly denies and in his memoirs goes to painstaking detail to refute. He assiduously tells(almost as if he is willing it to be so) the reader that all his great deeds can be attributed to luck, desperation, and the inability to locate a viable place to hide.

Despite this claim, Cain has had his hands in some of the most desperate battles and struggles a regiment of the Imperial Guard doing loyal service to the Emperor of man-kind can face and takes the reader through his experiences in a truly unique fashion. The Traitor's Hand does not disappoint. Its exciting, violent, interestingly presented and best of all you will laugh, I promise.

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Why Men Die First: How to Lengthen Your Lifespan

Why Men Die First: How to Lengthen Your Lifespan
Marianne J. Legato | 2008-01-01 00:00:00 | Palgrave | 272 | Health and Care
From Publishers Weekly
Legato, a physician and one of the founders of gender specific medicine, provides a broad-brush look at the relative fragility of men who "at every point of their lives die an average of seven years earlier than women." Much of the book will be familiar to anyone who read John Gray's Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (or, indeed, Legato's own Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget), emphasizing the debatable notions that men and boys are aggressive where most women are team players, and that women value "the ambiance of the workplace and their relationship with other workers" over attaining power within a corporate structure. She breaks newer ground when she examines the genetics; the Y chromosome, she contends, may be more vulnerable to mutation, leading her to ponder whether "men have a future," or might disappear in 125,000 years (on the other hand, it may be that "the Y drives evolution"). Later chapters look at depression, diseases, sports and work as they relate to men. Though a well-sourced overview, Legato's attempt to give readers a "new view of men" suffers from a lack of fresh perspective.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

"'Marianne Legato, who has devoted her career to studying the differences between the sexes, believes that the premature death of men is the most important, and neglected, health issue of our time. She has written a book for every man who wants to live longer and for the women and families who love them. Dr. Legato has started a much needed conversation we should all be having about how we can improve the health and longevity of men.' - Dr. Mehmet Oz, Cardiothoracic surgeon, and Author, who is famous for his frequent appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show"

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Product Details

* Hardcover: 272 pages
* Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (May 27, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0230605176
* ISBN-13: 978-0230605176
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LATEX Tutorials: A Primer

LATEX Tutorials: A Primer
E. Krishnan | 2003-01-01 00:00:00 | Indian TEX Users Group | 155 | Computers (Other)
Contents: The Basics; The Document; Bibliography; Bibliographic Databases; Table of contents, Index and Glossary; Displayed Text; Rows and Columns; Typesetting Mathematics; Typesetting Theorems; Several Kinds of Boxes; Floats; Cross References in LATEX; Footnotes, Marginpars, and Endnotes.
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Option Theory and Trading: A Step-by-Step Guide To Control Risk and Generate Profits

Option Theory and Trading: A Step-by-Step Guide To Control Risk and Generate Profits
Ron Ianieri | 2009-01-01 00:00:00 | Wiley | 352 | Finances and Money
An accessible guide to understanding and using options

Leading options educator Ron Ianieri has created a tried-and-true options training program drawing on his years of experience training new traders. The goal of Option Theory and Trading is to give readers the knowledge to select the optimal strategy for a given situation and to implement that strategy in the most cost-efficient way possible. In addition, the book explains the risk of any and all option positions; examines the techniques and costs involved in countering those risks; and shows when and how to exit a losing trade.

Ron Ianieri (Boca Raton, FL) is the cofounder and chief options strategist for The Options University, a firm that provides courses and other training materials to aspiring options traders. Ianieri's Option Theory and Trading Course is considered one of the best options training tools in the industry.
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Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China (Housing and Society Series)

Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China (Housing and Society Series)
Ya Ping Wang | 2005-01-11 00:00:00 | Routledge | 192 | Poverty
Economic reform in China has resulted in a widening gap between the rich and the poor, and urban poverty has emerged as a key factor which may affect future development. This new book examines the poverty problem in relation to housing and social changes in large inland cities, and assesses the effectiveness of recent government anti-poverty policies. The book also puts the Chinese experience in the wider context of transitional economies and discusses the similarities and differences between China and Central and Eastern European countries. The book is based on a long period of research on Chinese urban development, and benefited from several research projects conducted in Chinese cities. It is an important reference for all of those interested in housing, urban studies and social change, and is a key text for students of the Chinese economy and society.

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Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)

Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
F. Maloberti | 2005-01-01 00:00:00 | Springer | 388 | Electrical Engineering
The book is primarily intended for use as a graduate-level textbook and for practising engineers. It is expected that the reader should be familiar with the concepts taught in basic introductory courses in analog circuits. Relying on that proper background knowledge the book presents the material on an intuitive basis with a minimum use of mathematical quantitative analysis. Therefore, the insight induced by the book will favour that kind of knowledge gathering required for the design of high-performance analog circuits. The book favours this important process with a number of inserts providing hints or advises on key features of the topic studied.
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Advances in Hybrid Information Technology: First International Conference, ICHIT 2006, Jeju Island, Korea, November 9-11, 2006, Revised Selected Papers ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)

Advances in Hybrid Information Technology: First International Conference, ICHIT 2006, Jeju Island, Korea, November 9-11, 2006, Revised Selected Papers ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Marcin S. Szczuka,Daniel Howard,Dominik Slezak,Haeng-kon Kim,Tai-hoon Kim,Il-seok Ko,Geuk Lee,Peter M.A. Sloot | 2008-02-06 00:00:00 | Springer | 671 | Artificial Intelligence

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the First International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology, ICHIT 2006, held in Jeju Island, Korea, in November 2006.

The 64 revised papers were carefully selected during a second round of reviewing and improvement from 235 reports given at the conference and are presented in extended version in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on data analysis, modeling, and learning; imaging, speech, and complex data; applications of artificial intelligence; hybrid, smart, and ubiquitous systems; hardware and software engineering; as well as networking and telecommunications.

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Breast Cancer in the Post-Genomic Era (Current Clinical Oncology)

Breast Cancer in the Post-Genomic Era (Current Clinical Oncology)
Antonio Giordano,Nicola Normanno | 2009-07-15 00:00:00 | Humana Press | 230 | Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is the most common tumor in women and the second leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Due to breakthroughs in gene profiling, the knowledge of the pathophysiology of the mammary gland had greatly increased over the last decade. In Breast Cancer in the Post Genomic Era, Antonio Giordano, Nicola Normanno, and a panel of international authorities in their field provide a comprehensive approach to the biology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of human breast carcinoma.

The book provides a comprehensive approach to breast cancer, describing the use of gene profiling techniques to distinguish specific features of individual carcinomas, as well as emerging novel therapeutic approaches to treatment. Additional chapters cover the use of transgenic mice to model human breast cancer and the role of the EGF-CFC family in mammary gland development and neoplasia. Breast Cancer in the Post Genomic-Era succeeds in looking at breast cancer pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment under a more comprehensive light, and is a valuable resource for any Radiation or Surgical Oncologist, Cancer Biologist or Pathologist.

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Primary Care Sleep Medicine: A Practical Guide (Current Clinical Practice)

Primary Care Sleep Medicine: A Practical Guide (Current Clinical Practice)
J. F. Pagel,S. R. Pandi-Perumal | 2007-04-05 00:00:00 | Humana Press | 336 | Sleep Disorders

This book provides a state-of-the-art, comprehensive overview of the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. It details evidence-based practice recommendations using parameters primarily developed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The book offers a thorough and extensive board review for specialization in sleep medicine and supports primary care clinicians in appropriately using sleep diagnostic testing results in clinical practice.

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Handbook of Nutrition in the Aged, Third Edition (Modern Nutrition)

Handbook of Nutrition in the Aged, Third Edition (Modern Nutrition)
Ronald Ross Watson | 2000-08-30 00:00:00 | CRC Press | 384 | Nutrition
Recognition and understanding of the special nutrition problems of the aged is changing along with the growing number of the elderly in the general population. In the eight years since the first edition of the Handbook of Nutrition in the Aged was originally published, both economic changes and health issues have contributed to the decreasing nutritional intake among the aged.New treatments such hyperalimenation and renutrition are now accepted as ways to restore and maintain optimum immune functions.Intended for gerentologists, nutritionists, dieticians and assisted living professionals, the third edition of Handbook of Nutrition in the Aged reviews some of the major nutritional problems occurring with significant frequency in elderly adults. Other topics discussed include the effects of the aging process, changes in social status, and financial conditions that significantly affect the approaches to treatment and study of nutritional and health problems of the aged.

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Functional Operators, Volume 1: Measures and Integrals. (AM-21) (Annals of Mathematics Studies)

Functional Operators, Volume 1: Measures and Integrals. (AM-21) (Annals of Mathematics Studies)
John von Neumann | 1950-01-01 00:00:00 | Princeton University Press | 272 | Mathematics

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Der Leadership Asset Approach

Der Leadership Asset Approach
Author | 2008-01-01 00:00:00 | Gabler Verlag | 387 | Management
Die dynamische Entwicklung einer hochgradig vernetzten und internationalisierten Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft stellt Fuhrungskrafte in Unternehmen vor schwierige Herausforderungen. Diese sind den Herausforderungen allerdings haufig nicht gewachsen, wie die stark steigende Anzahl von Konkursen und Insolvenzen belegt. Welche Anforderungen an Fuhrungskrafte gestellt werden mussen, um ein effektives und zeitgema?es Management gewahrleisten zu konnen, ist trotz zahlreicher Veroffentlichungen zu Fuhrungsthemen bislang nicht geklart.

Mario Vaupel analysiert aktuelle Entwicklungen, mit denen sich die Wirtschaft, die Unternehmen und deren Fuhrungskrafte auseinandersetzen mussen, und erarbeitet auf dieser Grundlage Anforderungen an die personliche, strategische und operative Fuhrung. Aus dieser Outside-in-Perspektive leitet er ein differenziertes Konzept, den Leadership Asset Approach, ab, das die wesentlichen Inhalte einer markt- und ergebnisorientierten Fuhrung neu formuliert. Daruber hinaus stellt er mit dem Leadership Asset System ein Instrument zur Erfassung der Fuhrungsperformance vor, das inzwischen in der Praxis erfolgreich eingesetzt wird.
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Starcraft - Uprising

Starcraft - Uprising
Micky Neilson | 2001-01-01 00:00:00 | Pocket | 256 | Fiction
Far in the future, 60,000 light-years from Earth, a loose confederacy of Terran exiles are locked in battle with the enigmatic Protoss and the ruthless Zerg Swarm. Each species struggles to ensure its own survival among the stars in a war that will herald the beginning of mankind's greatest chapter -- or foretell its violent, bloody end.

She is the Zerg Queen of Blades. Her name has become legend throughout the galaxy, and that legend is death for all who stand against her. Yet once, long ago, Sarah Kerrigan was human -- the unwilling subject of an insidious clandestine experiment. She was forced to serve as a merciless assassin for the Terran Confederacy until a twist of fate propelled her toward a destiny none could have foreseen. This is the untold tale of Kerrigan's shadowy origin...and the war that was fought for her very soul.

An original tale of universal conflict set in the world of the award-winning, bestselling computer game from Blizzard Entertainment.
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Pilots Manual for F4U Corsair (American Flight Manuals)

Pilots Manual for F4U Corsair (American Flight Manuals)
Michael S. Rice | 1900-01-01 00:00:00 | Aviation Pubns | 70 | Subjects
This Manual is a great for any F4-U Corsair junkie, it is complete with detailed sketches, as well as the procedures on flight, taxing, takeoff.It also has other Corsair procedures Excellent.
This is a reasonable compilation from an early Corsair variant. The drawings are of good quality and scale modelers will benefit from the detailed cockpit sketches, complete with item labels.

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Biomedical Data and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)

Biomedical Data and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Amandeep S. Sidhu,Tharam Dillon | 2009-06-16 00:00:00 | Springer | 346 | Artificial Life

Compared with data from general application domains, modern biological data has many unique characteristics. Biological data are often characterized as having large volumes, complex structures, high dimensionality, evolving biological concepts, and insufficient data modelling practices. Over the past several years, bioinformatics has become an all-encompassing term for everything relating to both computer science and biology. The goal of this book is to cover data and applications identifying new issues and directions for future research in biomedical domain. The book will become a useful guide learning state-of-the-art development in biomedical data management, data-intensive bioinformatics systems, and other miscellaneous biological database applications. The book addresses various topics in bioinformatics with varying degrees of balance between biomedical data models and their real-world applications.

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Electrotechnologies for Extraction from Food Plants and Biomaterials (Food Engineering Series)

Electrotechnologies for Extraction from Food Plants and Biomaterials (Food Engineering Series)
Eugène Vorobiev | 2008-10-10 00:00:00 | Springer | 272 | Food Science

Recently, the electrotechnologies based on the effects of pulsed electric fields (PEF), such as ohmic heating (OH) and DC electric field, have gained real interest in the field of food processing. These techniques efficiently enhance methods of extraction from food plants and dehydration of biosolids. The PEF and pulsed OH techniques preserve the nutritional, functional, structural and sensory properties of products better than conventional extraction technologies. The electrofiltration and electro-osmotic dewatering can be very effective for the separation of bioproducts and dehydration of food wastes.

The first source book in the field, this book gives an overview the fundamental principles of electrical techniques, electrophysical properties of foods and agricultural products, application of various emerging electrotechnologies for enhancing the solid-liquid separation and drying processes, extraction techniques of pigments, processing methods of different in-plant tissues and biosolids, electro-osmotic dewatering and electrofiltration of biomaterials, recent industrial- scale gains, and other aspects. Each chapter is complementary to other chapters and addresses the latest efforts in the field.

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Constitutional Democracy in a Multicultural and Globalised World

Constitutional Democracy in a Multicultural and Globalised World
Thomas Fleiner,Lidija Basta Fleiner | 2009-02-01 00:00:00 | Springer | 670 | Public

The book is full of profound insights, stimulating reflections and ideas, and creative provocations, such as the authors continuous scepticism towards the liberal political and state theory . Defining the multicultural state as the essential political community of the 21st century and redefining the basic concepts of the theory of state to that effect, the book may become a milestone in the history of political and state theory (Ulrich K. Preuss in the International Journal of Constitutional Law ) 2006, p. 576-581.

It is a great merit of Thomas Fleiner and Lidija R. Basta Fleiner that they identify both internal changes of a personal substrate of contemporary states and the challenges of globalization not only with an astonishing seismological sensitiveness; moreover, they do it in a manner, which distinguishes their book with regard to other works on the theory of the State. (Felix Hanschmann, in Kritische Justiz ) 2005, p. 207-213.

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The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics (Popular Science)

The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics (Popular Science)
Roger Penrose | 2002-12-12 00:00:00 | Oxford University Press, USA | 640 | Theory of Computing
For decades, proponents of artificial intelligence have argued that computers will soon be doing everything that a human mind can do. Admittedly, computers now play chess at the grandmaster level, but do they understand the game as we do? Can a computer eventually do everything a human mind can do? In this absorbing and frequently contentious book, Roger Penrose--eminent physicist and winner, with Stephen Hawking, of the prestigious Wolf prize--puts forward his view that there are some facets of human thinking that can never be emulated by a machine. Penrose examines what physics and mathematics can tell us about how the mind works, what they can't, and what we need to know to understand the physical processes of consciousness. He is among a growing number of physicists who think Einstein wasn't being stubborn when he said his "little finger" told him that quantum mechanics is incomplete, and he concludes that laws even deeper than quantum mechanics are essential for the operation of a mind. To support this contention, Penrose takes the reader on a dazzling tour that covers such topics as complex numbers, Turing machines, complexity theory, quantum mechanics, formal systems, Godel undecidability, phase spaces, Hilbert spaces, black holes, white holes, Hawking radiation, entropy, quasicrystals, the structure of the brain, and scores of other subjects. The Emperor's New Mind will appeal to anyone with a serious interest in modern physics and its relation to philosophical issues, as well as to physicists, mathematicians, philosophers and those on either side of the AI debate.
Some love it, some hate it, but The Emperor's New Mind, physicist Roger Penrose's 1989 treatise attacking the foundations of strong artificial intelligence, is crucial for anyone interested in the history of thinking about AI and consciousness. Part survey of modern physics, part exploration of the philosophy of mind, the book is not for casual readers--though it's not overly technical, it rarely pauses to let the reader catch a breath. The overview of relativity and quantum theory, written by a master, is priceless and uncontroversial. The exploration of consciousness and AI, though, is generally considered as resting on shakier ground.

Penrose claims that there is an intimate, perhaps unknowable relation between quantum effects and our thinking, and ultimately derives his anti-AI stance from his proposition that some, if not all, of our thinking is non-algorithmic. Of course, these days we believe that there are other avenues to AI than traditional algorithmic programming; while he has been accused of setting up straw robots to knock down, this accusation is unfair. Little was then known about the power of neural networks and behavior-based robotics to simulate (and, some would say, produce) intelligent problem-solving behavior. Whether these tools will lead to strong AI is ultimately a question of belief, not proof, and The Emperor's New Mind offers powerful arguments useful to believer and nonbeliever alike. --Rob Lightner
My copy of this book is now 21 years old, but I thought it appropriate to write a short historical review. When I first read this book I was interested to read in a semi-technical way about many of the Physics and Computation ideas of Roger Penrose. I am sure that many are still interested in the book for that reason. Since then Penrose has written other books, but this provides an introduction to his ideas which is half way between popular science and textbook. What has happened in the years that have followed is that this work has undoubtedly stimulated many researchers and others.

The other aspect of the book was his specific arguments about AI: which have ired many critics. Indeed his later book (Shadows of the Mind) contained a revised argument and dealt with about 20 criticisms of the AI argument from this book. Nevertheless this was not enough and more criticisms appeared which he later discussed in other works. So there is quite a trail to follow here for those who wish to take these topics seriously.

I would now suggest that he was really trying to make the case for the importance of non-Turing-Computability in this book. That it is important in scientific arguments from Cognition Theory and AI to Quantum Physics. Non-Turing computability is a very subtle topic to discuss (it was the subject of Turing's logic Ph.D) especially in a philosophically broad way. Many of the topics like Fractals and Penrose Tiling which found their way into this book, and do not immediately seem relevant to the arguments, are there to emphasise and display some non-computable mathematical entities. Oversimplifications of Penrose's arguments usually miss the significance of non-computability in them.

Having said all this I think that were this book to be written now, then some sections could be reworded. As a specific detail I think that in discussing the historical evolution of "algorithm" the definition of that term changes in the book without being noticed. It took me a few readings to notice this.

So if you want to delve into the debate about non-computability in physics and AI this is a book to read, but be aware that it is only the beginning of a longer story. The physics/cosmology discussions are a good introduction to his approach to those topics too.
I am just now learning about the quantum aspects of our minds. This pioneer in the study of that subject offers more much than I can understand but still sheds light on his findings.

The University of Arizona's school of Consciousness (Neurology) has a professor teamed up with this author (Dr Hameroff) and together they have expanded these findings into remarkable realms.

We have totally underestimated the capabilities of our minds and certainly the power of Consciousness !

Susanne Zike , Tucson
Professor Penrose takes us on a wonderful intellectual voyage as he presents an array of information about consciousness and reality which no one else would put together.

Gradually, he entwines the multicoloured strands to present a polished argument showing why consciousness is non-computational, and no computer, however large, will ever become conscious. While computers may compute better than we can, no computer can understand, as we easily do, why the computation is necessary.

The Emperor's New Mind will have something fascinating for everyone, because of the unexpected things one finds along the road on this thrilling expedition through the classical and quantum universes.


I loved this book. I have a basic math & science background, and I am interested in physics but by no means an expert. This book was fascinating and informative and was written in a way to make the knowledge accessible to an educated layman. I cannot recommend it enough.
I didn't see it yet, my parents say it's good enough. It was also delivered before estimated date, which is good i guess. We expected a book that is used but in very good condition, and that's what we got. Thanks

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Osobennosti natsional'nogo zastol'ya. Chto prigotovit' na zavtrak

Osobennosti natsional'nogo zastol'ya. Chto prigotovit' na zavtrak
| 2000-01-01 00:00:00 | Politbyuro | 0 | Subjects

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The Edison Schools: Corporate Schooling and the Assault on Public Education (Positions: Education, Politics, and Culture)

The Edison Schools: Corporate Schooling and the Assault on Public Education (Positions: Education, Politics, and Culture)
Kenneth J. Saltman | 2005-02-03 00:00:00 | Routledge | 248 | Education
The story of the Edison Schools is a gripping tale of money, kids, and greed. What began in the 1980s as an enterprise to transform public schools quickly became a troubled business battling falling test scores and dismal stock prices. How did the most ambitious for-profit education company in U.S. history lose respect, money, and credibility in such a short time?

Revealing how American McEducation went from glory to crisis, The Edison Schools tracks entrepreneur Christopher Whittle's plan to introduce a standardized nationwide curriculum and cut administrative waste. Education specialist Kenneth J. Saltman finds that the critics' predictions came true in Edison schools across the country: Experienced teachers left in droves, students were virtually given answers to standardized tests to drive up scores, and difficult students were "counselored" out.

Saltman uses the Edison saga to highlight key debates about the role of schools in American democracy and illuminate broader issues of privatization and cultural diversity. Showing how the profit motive helped created "Edron," the book will force teachers, parents, students, and general readers to reconsider the role of private money in this critical part of our public life.

* A full expose of the Edison schools, the largest attempt ever to privatize public education * Uses the schools to study larger issues of accountability, trust in our institutions, and the social role of public education * Uncovers the reasons for the collapse of Edison, from falsified score reports and accounting scandals to a near-takeover by right-wing radicals Kenneth J. Saltman is the co-editor of Education as Enforcement, and author of Collateral Damage and Strange Love: Or How We Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Market.
Saltman has left no stone unturned in his examination of Edison Schools. From the business practices and economic theory behind the very idea of privatizing schools to the curricular and pedagogical theory that drive the schools' daily activities, he covers every aspect of Edison and of Chris Whittle's mission. Saltman's writing is detailed and thorough, defending and proving his arguments with ample evidence and providing ideas for the future of schooling in America.

Very readable (even if you don't like non-fiction), well-organized and absolutely indispensible in the discussion of school privatization.
The role of public schools in a democratic society is undergoing scrutiny on a scale never before seen in this country. Do schools exist primarily to educate thinking voters or to provide docile workers for multinational corporations? Kenneth J. Saltman reveals the real motives of neoliberals who are behind the carefully orchestrated campaign to privatize all schools under the guise of helping children. It's a true story that contains all the elements of a thriller movie. And the author tells it exceedingly well, using the Edison Schools as the focal point. Concerned citizens need to read "The Edison Schools" in conjunction with the excellent "Why Is Corporate America Bashing Our Public Schools?" by Kathy Emery and Susan Ohanian. Both books describe how corporations are hijacking American education. While Saltman confines his case to the Edison Schools, Emery and Ohanian go beyond one company in delivering a compelling manifesto.

Walt Gardner taught for 28 years in the Los Angeles Unified School District and was a lecturer in the UCLA Graduate School of Education.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ernst Zermelo - Collected Works/Gesammelte Werke: Volume I/Band I - Set Theory, Miscellanea/Mengenlehre, Varia (Schriften der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen ... Wissenschaften) (English and German Edition)

Ernst Zermelo - Collected Works/Gesammelte Werke: Volume I/Band I - Set Theory, Miscellanea/Mengenlehre, Varia (Schriften der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen ... Wissenschaften) (English and German Edition)
Ernst Zermelo | 2010-03-05 00:00:00 | Springer | 654 | Scientists

Ernst Zermelo (1871-1953) is regarded as the founder of axiomatic set theory and best-known for the first formulation of the axiom of choice. However, his papers include also pioneering work in applied mathematics and mathematical physics.

This edition of his collected papers will consist of two volumes. Besides providing a biography, the present Volume I covers set theory, the foundations of mathematics, and pure mathematics and is supplemented by selected items from his Nachlass and part of his translations of Homer's Odyssey. Volume II will contain his work in the calculus of variations, applied mathematics, and physics.

The papers are each presented in their original language together with an English translation, the versions facing each other on opposite pages. Each paper or coherent group of papers is preceded by an introductory note provided by an acknowledged expert in the field which comments on the historical background, motivations, accomplishments, and influence.

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The Encyclopedia of Asthma and Respiratory Disorders (Facts on File Library of Health and Living)

The Encyclopedia of Asthma and Respiratory Disorders (Facts on File Library of Health and Living)
Tova Navarra | 1900-01-01 00:00:00 | Facts on File | 384 | Respiratory

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Nanomaterials: Research Towards Applications

Nanomaterials: Research Towards Applications
Hideo Hosono | 2006-01-01 00:00:00 | Elsevier Science | 474 | Chemistry
A research project at the Tokyo Institute of Technology - dedicated to fostering innovation in the field of nanomaterials - was selected as one of the 21st Century COE (Center of Excellence) programs. The achievements of this COE program, which builds on the strong tradition of materials science in the Institute, are summarized within this book.
Nanomaterials - Research Towards Applications
is divided into four main parts:
(1) Revolutionary Oxides
(2) State-of-the-Art Polymers
(3) Nanostructure Design for New Functions, and
(4) Nanostructure Architecture for Engineering Applications.
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Paul Dirac: The Man and his Work

Paul Dirac: The Man and his Work
Abraham Pais,Maurice Jacob,David I. Olive,Michael F. Atiyah | 1998-02-13 00:00:00 | Cambridge University Press | 144 | British
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was one of the founders of quantum theory. He is numbered alongside Newton, Maxwell and Einstein as one of the greatest physicists of all time. Together the lectures in this volume, originally presented on the occasion of the dedication ceremony for a plaque honoring Dirac in Westminster Abbey, give a unique insight into the relationship between Dirac's character and his scientific achievements. The text begins with the dedication address given by Stephen Hawking at the ceremony. Then Abraham Pais describes Dirac as a person and his approach to his work. Maurice Jacob explains how Dirac was led to introduce the concept of antimatter, and its central role in modern particle physics and cosmology. This is followed by David Olive's account of the origin and enduring influence of Dirac's work on magnetic monopoles. Finally, Sir Michael Atiyah explains the deep and widespread significance of the Dirac equation in mathematics.
I have ofter wondered about Dirac who I consider the mystery man of quantum physics. He seemed to be totally consumed my the underlying mathematics of physics, at the same time he was so naive about the trifles of human interchanges. This is a concise and illuminating history and I assume, the one that another recent book about Dirac is based. The book clears the clouds.
A man Stephen Hawking calls 'probably the greatest British theoretical physicist since Newton,' has got to be a pretty bright man. Paul Dirac wrote the definitive equasion that joined the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Like Einstein before him, his equasion is very simple to express, very complex in its overall impact. It explains things like how television sets or computers work.

This book is not exactly a biography, but more a tribute to him. It is a series of four talks given about Dirac eleven years after his death, upon the dedication of a plack to him in Westminster Abby.

Abraham Pais describes Dirac's character and his approach to his work.

Maurice Jacob explains not only how and why Dirac was led to introduce the concept of antimatter, but also its central role in modern particle physics and cosmology.

David Olive gives an account of Dirac's work on magnetic monopoles and shows how it has had a profound influence in the development of fundamental physics down to the present day.

Sir Michael Atiyah explains the widespread significance of the Dirac equation in mathematics, its roots in algebra and its implications for geometry and topology.
We were ourselves participating in the inauguration of the Paul Dirac memorial in Westminster Abbey. Especially the speeches of Stephan Hawking and Abraham Pais were very touching as they did not only touch Dirac's work but also his personality and life. He was a very complex person and a great physicist. This book reflects that more than others about him.
After missing the first collection of essays on this brilliant recluse published soon after his death, I picked up the present version as soon as I was able. It did not disappoint.

The book is a collection of four lectures given in the subject's honor in 1995 on the tenth anniversary of his death. The final lecture and the latter part of the third are highly mathematical and technical and clearly intended for a professional audience.

But for me, the first lecture by Abraham Pais is worth the purchase price alone. Pais was not only a contemporary physicist, but also a close friend and as close to a confidant as was possible with such a reticent man.

Through Pais' eyes, we see a mathematician turned physicist who was very different from the man to whom Dirac is most frequently compared, Albert Einstein. Einstein was a physicist first, mathematician second. Dirac was exactly the opposite. Einstein became a social and political critic, Dirac never strayed far from his study. The two were similar in that both viewed mathematical beauty as primary and both hated the modern remake of quantum mechanics (after the initial theory) for very similar reasons. This last point was interesting as Dirac was the first one to combine all his contemporaries' work on this improved quantum physics into a formal mathematical structure. His resulting equation, called naturally the Dirac equation, is classic Dirac, short and sweet. It combined Einsteinian relativity with the new quantum theory and Dirac considered the result to govern most of physics and all of chemistry. Stephen Hawking, the renowned theoretical physicist, says in his introductory memorial address to the book, "If Dirac had patented the equation ... he would have become one of the richest men in the world. Every television set or computer would have paid him royalties." For this work, Dirac shared the 1933 Nobel Prize with German physicist Erwin Schroedinger. One unexpected consequence of this work was a mathematical conclusion that defined a "negative energy" matter (aka antimatter) solution. Simply put, he had discovered a universe noone had imagined. To this day, we see the effects of this discovery from medical necessities (PET scan imaging-Positron Emission Tomography) to science fiction (Star Trek).

The quotations and anecdotes Pais chooses are well placed and often very funny. They are also supported by the images of Dirac portrayed in the sketch on the cover and in the few photographs scattered through the first two lectures. They reveal his character well. He saw mathematical and physical realities so clearly that he simply could not understand why others did not see them as well. The photo of him "listening" to future Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman in Maurice Jacob's section is one of the most amusing of the collection.

In the second lecture, Jacob shows the path of discovery and effect on latter day experimental physics of antimatter. He goes too long in spots but is generally fine.

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Earth's Changing Environment: Compton's by Britannica (Learn & Explore)

Earth's Changing Environment: Compton's by Britannica (Learn & Explore)
Anthony L. Green | 2010-03-15 00:00:00 | Encyclopaedia Britannica | 122 | Environmental Science

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A Course in Probability and Statistics

A Course in Probability and Statistics
Charles J. Stone | 1995-08-07 00:00:00 | Duxbury Press | 838 | Mathematics
This author's modern approach is intended primarily for honors undergraduates or undergraduates with a good math background taking a mathematical statistics or statistical inference course. The author takes a finite-dimensional functional modeling viewpoint (in contrast to the conventional parametric approach) to strengthen the connection between statistical theory and statistical methodology.

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Analysis of Evidence

Analysis of Evidence
Terence Anderson | 2005-01-01 00:00:00 | Cambridge University Press | 436 | Law
This extensively revised second edition is a rigorous introduction to the construction and criticism of arguments about questions of fact, and to the marshalling and evaluation of evidence at all stages of litigation. Most of the chapters in this new edition have been rewritten; the treatment of fact investigation, probabilities and narrative has been extended; and new examples and exercises have been added. Undergraduate and postgraduate courses of evidence and proof, practitioners and teachers alike will find this book challenging but rewarding.
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Climate Data and Resources: A Reference and Guide (Volume 0)

Climate Data and Resources: A Reference and Guide (Volume 0)
Edward Linacre | 1992-04-22 00:00:00 | Routledge | 384 | Social Sciences
Provides a review of the theory and practice underlying current climactic research. Describes the nature of atmospheric resources--solar radiation, wind, and precipitation--and explains how climate can be measured, estimated, and how data should be analyzed.

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