Saturday, December 25, 2010

Human error, safety and systems development

Human error, safety and systems development
Chris W.Johnson, Philippe Palanque | 2004-01-01 00:00:00 | Kluwer academic publishers | 341 | Other Engineering
The papers in this collection address the problem of developing systems that support human interaction with complex, safety-critical applications. The last thirty years have seen a significant reduction in the accident rates across many different industries. Given these achievements, why do we need further research in this area? There is little room for complacency. For example, it has been difficult to sustain reductions in the incident rate across the aviation industry. This not only indicates an impasse in attempts to achieve ‘zero’ accidents. It is also a source of long-term concern because a stable incident rate combined with rising numbers of departures will yield increases in the frequency of adverse events. In other areas, the incident rates are rising in spite of the best efforts of safety managers.
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