Nikon Creative Lighting System Digital Field Guide
J.Dennis Thomas | 2007-01-01 00:00:00 | Wiley | 224 | Photography
When Nikon introduced the Creative Lighting System, it was mostly overlooked. The focus was on the rapidly changing advancement of digital SLR cameras. This disregard was a shame because the Nikon Creative Lighting System was the most amazing development to happen to photographic lighting in decades. The ability to infinitely control the output of multiple lights and to be able to do it wirelessly, without the need of an expensive light meter was unheard of. Even now, the praises of the Nikon CLS are largely unsung. Other companies have tried to replicate the Nikon CLS with marginal success. Nikon simply offers more options and a wider variety of accessories. With the SB-800, the SB-600, the SU-800, the R1, and the R1C1, no other company comes close to offering such a multitude of tools for specific lighting needs.
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