Monday, December 27, 2010

Chariots of the Gods?

Chariots of the Gods?
Erich von Daniken | 1969-10-01 00:00:00 | Souvenir Press Ltd | 192 | Subjects
The author attempts to explain such perplexing archaeological discoveries as the stone figures on Easter Island and various temple and cave drawings.
Really cool book! It makes you think. I heard about this author while watching a program on the Discovery channel(I think) about aliens and their possible role in ancient civilizations. The book is an easy read and very makes you think. If you're interested in history and aliens it's definitely worth checking out.
I have enjoyed reading Erich's writings. He takes you to interesting places, both geographically and mentally. I only read chariots of the gods and this movie I saw. Ha. the 70s music accompianment was great. I need to get ahold of all his other stuff. I also work with a fan of erich-very neat to know someone else knows of erich and loves his work, too.
This was trash when it first came out in the seventies and it is still trash.
I'm going to make this short and sweet because you have to get this book and read it.

Open your mind.
I read this book in the 70's and ahd a difficult time believing it as a ten year old. How anyone can view this as interesting is beyond me - remmeber the nova episode that debunked him where he admitted hiring a potter to fake some of his alien depictions?

did he mention while at easter island he watched a group of men set up a statue that could only be moved by aliens with a block and tackle? don't waste your money

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