Handbook of Statistics 10: Signal Processing and its Applications
N. K. Bose | 1993-09-01 00:00:00 | Elsevier Science Pub Co | 1010 | Engineering
Hardbound. This volume of the Handbook of Statistics presents a state-of-the art exposition of current topics in signal/image processing. It provides an excellent balance between both theory and applications. The collection of chapters deals with topics such as fast computations and transforms in signal processing, sampling theorems, parameter estimation and signal modeling, image and multidimensional signal processing, array processing, direction-of-arrival estimation, beamforming, adaptive algorithms, multiscale signal processing and wavelet transforms. Other subjects include VLSI implementations in hardware, image gathering and video coding, spectrum estimation, neural net sensor fusion, hidden Markov models with applications in speech recognition, design of special types of digital filter structures (and innovative methods for performance evaluation of such structures), as well as more general systems which are encountered in signal processin
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