Portuguese Phrases For Dummies
Karen Keller | 2007-01-01 00:00:00 | | 0 | Languages (Other)
I had a lot of fun with this book! Including one memorable evening chatting and laughing with locals on the beach at Salvador. I like how it fits in my pocket and is easy to read. It is well referenced, so I could easily find what I needed--from counting out money to eating out and getting around. But my favorite sections were the ones that gave me chatty things to say in social encounters and how to say things like a local. When I go to Brazil or any country, I like to make the effort to speak to the locals to get a feel for the culture and the people. I have always been repaid--but especially by the Brazilians that night on the beach.
This is a great phrase book, easy to read and use. It even has a concise overview of grammar and verbs. A great companion to my other Portuguese language books. I definitely recommend it to anyone who's visiting Brazil and wants to be able to start speaking right away.
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