Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Illuminati 666, Book 2

Illuminati 666, Book 2
William Josiah Sutton | 1900-01-01 00:00:00 | Teach Services Inc | 304 | Conspiracy Theories
Witchcraft, Astrology, 666, Freemasonry, Communism, Papacy, Federal Reserve, UN, universal product code, and more. Volume 2 of 2; volume 1 is Anti-Christ & 666.
I have read a few good books on Templar, Masons, Bilderburg, but putting it together is spotty. Ex-was a time knights were so powerful, kings had to pay. Many were killed, so changed org name. There was a time, they learned from Sufi Muslims, cath church pursued, since Islam thought as 'infidels'. This guy knows more, but it seems things were hidden as symbols, often found on cathedrals. Some symbols are math instruments, seen in Masonry. Islam was ahead in math, science, so symbols look innocent. The question is not @ the tool, compass, etc, but what it meant.

Sadly many masons think it is @ helping, and are clueless @ what symbols once meant. Also, the occult is only known to those at high orders. JFK said 'secret societies. Like bilderburg cannot be tolerated'. He said such secrecy cannot exist in a 'free society'.Assasinated. The ex Goldman trader now in London, exposed collusion btw our Fed, uk equivalent in collusion with JP Morgan, HSBC to suppress price of gold, silver. Someone tried to kill him in hit and run. This is public knowledge online admissions by Last Fed 'greens span, Aussie fed to a less degree. GATA kept heat on, so they began allowing gold to rise % 15/ yr.

Us Gold last audited in '70s, Ron Paul has been persistent to audit Gold and Fed. He was joined by an unlikely senator, who says he is socialist. Paul is an outspoken Libertarian, yet both pushed to audit Fed, opposed bank bailout, voted against 'patriot act. Bernie went after big corps whom were cheating dairy farmers in Vt. He wanted re-importation of meds fromm Canada, often 30-50% cheaper,someone wanted to give Medicare bargaining power'. Tho most opposed the bill as citizens, the demschose big biz over citizens. Sanders irritates dems. Since rep accused of picking winners, hurting small biz, to us citizens, this is more of the same.

Libertarian says 'no corporate welfare, get troops out of mid east, japan, Germany, etc'. Mil industry has many secret layers, underground cities, there are things unk own to congress and Obama. So, Iran wants to be super power, Muslim nation beg Israel to protect, then us to topple. That status has responsibility, it is whether they could do 180, or whether such power would corrupt them worse than Us.

If there was a fairly safe free place in world, I would leave. Patrick Henry would have created a better constitution, IMO.

Just highlights. The fav topic in some 12th classes is when we will have next revolution. Many want our govt replaced, think military, police, FBI have power? dC arrogant to feel safe. Many in uniform despise them too.

DO NOT SPEND .01 CENT ON THIS PIECE OF TRASH. This William Sutton is a Seventh Day Adventist clown trying to make some money on the side. Don't let him fool you with this attractive cover. He uses this book to sell his cultic SDA doctrines (2300 years ridicule doctrine). For those who don't know what a Seventh Day Adventist religion is, this is a sabbatical cabbalist cult which was born from the great disappointment of 1844 and it's founder was a 33 Degree Freemason called William Miller. Sutton dares to quote in this book a False Satanic Prophet called Ellen G. White and her book full of lies (The Great Controversy) just to proof his believes. Ellen G. White was an esoteric agnostic teacher of the occult in disguised who called herself a prophet from God. How can a Seventh Day Adventist have the guts to talk against the mystery religion when his own SDA religion is base on occultism and lies? SDA's believe that Jesus is and Angel (Michael) just like the Mormons and the Jehovah Witnesses. This author is nothing but a joker who doesn't have a clue of what he is talking about. Only an SDA fool can believe something like this. THIS BOOK IS WORTH NOTHING. JUST PURE GARBAGE... I HAVE WASTED MY MONEY ON THIS RELIGIOUS CHARLATAN. DO NOT LET HIM DECEIVE YOU...
Sutton explains and traces in a clear concise manner the origins of the illuminati and how this is relevant and explained in Bible prophecy.
Filled with historical inaccuracies that I caught during my first reading in highschool. The author apparently did not have access to simple refrence books.

Stay away.
My whole life I have dealt with wanting the truth. Yes this book does expose ideas and beliefs of the Illuminati. Actually to the reader who says this is a pitch for 7th day adventist let me remind you thee are freemasons and illuminized freemasons in the 7th day adventist church. There are 2 or 3 people that will try to talk negative about books like this because they are BLIND and IGNORANT and they don't want to believe that this is actually happening and also because it is an attempt to give them a clear conscience. But I can tell you that the satanism/luciferianism is VERY much real and to those that do NOT know this and understand this, they should talk to Alex Jones for example of who actually has the crust of what books like this talk about. Sure it is hard to fully expose and birn these kinds of sick and evil people to the forefront because they are the power elite of the world. But that does not mean we cannot protect ourselves and help others by knowing. Also the number 666 IS the mark of the beast and of satan/lucifer. To the person who said otherwise believes too much in occult teaching and half-baked history books. Most of what schools are teaching now is NOT the whole truth and usually not much of anything that is valuable to people. This is what is called "dumbing down of the educational system"! The Illuminati and those connected to them do NOT want us to expose them or know about them. They want us to be controlled. Look around you. If you want to continue to be like a few of these others who are so ignorant that they think they know it all, then they are already deceived and so are you. You can reach me at anytime.

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