Sunday, March 20, 2011

Photoshop Restoration and Retouching

Photoshop Restoration and Retouching
| 2001-04-03 00:00:00 | | 0 | Adobe Photoshop

It's disappointing when a photo of a loved one is marred by `red eye` or the wrong exposure, or when a cherished picture from long ago cracks and fades. Luckily, Katrin Eismann seems to know every trick available in Photoshop for making photographs--film or digital--look just how you want them to, whether that means restoring what has been lost, fixing incorrect exposures, erasing dust and scratches, or even recreating reality. (Who wouldn't want to lose a few wrinkles?) Eismann has the artistic eye to appreciate good photography, the technical savvy to be able to offer numerous solutions to any given problem, and the writing and teaching skills to walk readers clearly through these solutions.

The book assumes readers have a working knowledge of Photoshop. It does not go through the basics or cover complex selections or masking, although it does quickly explain essentials like shortcuts, context-sensitive menus, quick image-navigation tricks, the varieties of layers, and smart file management--all issues that expedite workflow and distinguish regular and power users. The book even outlines what it takes to set up shop as a professional retoucher, discussing equipment, studio arrangement, and working with clients and contracts.

The author strongly advises reading the book from start to finish, and she's structured the projects so that they build upon each other. The book is divided into three sections: correcting tone, exposure, and color; restoration, repairing, and rebuilding; and portrait and glamour retouching. Each page is filled with plenty of before-and-after images, along with screen shots of palettes and dialog boxes.

This book makes tackling each of your photo's flaws look easy--it seems like even the worst photo can be saved. Also, by the end, readers will have an appreciation for those who do retouching for a living--it takes planning, a good eye, consistency, and a lot of organization, or you're just flailing away with adjustment layers. You can get a look at a sample tutorial and chapter on the companion Web site,, which also includes all project images and other resources. --Angelynn Grant

User review
Learn what PhotoShop is REALLY built for
Katrin made a believer out of me in just a few pages. I have been using Photoshop since 1991 but, like other reviewers here, I was `freehanding` it and some of my methods were somewhat less than efficient. Within minutes of opening this book I realized there was so much more than I knew, and quite frankly I was enlightened by this book where others offered shortcuts to less-than-relevant issues. In this book you are sometimes offered multiple solutions to the same issues, which is SO how Photoshop works insofras a pathways to resolutions can be so various, so there's room to incorporate what you already know. This was the first volume of hers that I bought but not the last. I strongly recommend this book and this author to anyone who's serious about photographic restoration.

User review
I Reach For This Book, Over & Over Again
Too many mediocre Photoshop books haunt the market. RESTORATION & RETOUCHING ain't one of them.

High praise: I've reached for this book over and over again when faced with new Photoshop challenges.

Only just noticed I have the First Edition and not the Third,,. Clicking-through now to purchase the latest edition. I know it'll be worth it.

Kirtland Peterson

User review
Excellent job writing this book.
I'm a novice who wanted to restore a whole bunch of all photos from family that my grandmother had in her atic, so I decided to buy Photohop by recomendation of a friend of mind. I have no previous experience in this field, but this book was everything I needed it.
The author is so detailed and the practices so well prepare that it took me no time to hands of it, and look like a profesional in front of my entire family and friends. I would recommend this book to anyone, experts or novices like me.

User review
A Gift for the Flaw-Plagued Photographer
I will admit it. Many of my photos have flaws. Many have not been preserved properly.

They represent memories, however, so I am reluctant to toss them in the trash. Katrin Eisman's book equipped me with the skills to restore them to a state to which I can be proud. This book has helped me take my well-intentioned, yet poorly executed photos, correct the color, contrast and tone. Mold, cracks and torn edges mystically disappear.

The moments I attempted to preserve were precious to me. The beautiful images that result from her easy to find, easy to follow, step-by-step instructions are a gift.

User review
Great book of Photoshop Knowlege
I've been thru this book, was not able to put it down. After going throught the tutorials and reading through the chapters I feel very confident that I will be able to really bring poor pictures back to justice. Katrin really knows how to explain the subject along with showing very good examples of work done, this is a must have for anyone wanting to step their feet into photo restoration and retouching, and not just switching a monkey head for a real one. I have actually read through this book twice since I've had it.

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