Monday, March 28, 2011

Materials for Sustainable Sites. A Complete Guide to the Evaluation, Selection, and Use of Sustainable Construction Materials

Materials for Sustainable Sites. A Complete Guide to the Evaluation, Selection, and Use of Sustainable Construction Materials
Meg Calkins | 2008-01-01 00:00:00 | Wiley Press | 464 | Architecture
This complete guide to the evaluation, selection, and use of sustainable materials in the landscape features strategies to minimize environmental and human health impacts of conventional site construction materials as well as green materials. Providing detailed current information on construction materials for sustainable sites, the book introduces tools, techniques, ideologies and resources for evaluating, sourcing, and specifying sustainable site materials. Chapters cover types of materials, both conventional and emerging green materials, environmental and human health impacts of the material, and detailed strategies to minimize these impacts. Case studies share cost and performance information and lessons learned.

CHAPTER 1 Materials for Sustainable Sites Defined
CHAPTER 2 Background: Inputs, Outputs, and Impacts of Construction Materials
CHAPTER 3 Evaluating the Environmental and Human Health Impacts of Materials
CHAPTER 4 Resource Reuse: Designing with and Specifying Reclaimed, Reprocessed, and Recycled-content Materials
CHAPTER 5 Concrete
CHAPTER 6 Earthen Materials
CHAPTER 7 Brick Masonry
CHAPTER 8 Asphalt Pavement
CHAPTER 9 Aggregates and Stone
CHAPTER 10 Wood and Wood Products
CHAPTER 11 Metals
CHAPTER 12 Plastics and Rubber
CHAPTER 13 Biobased Materials, BY RUTH STAFFORD
Appendix A Embodied Energy and Embodied Carbon of Construction Materials by Weight
Appendix B Health and Environmental Impacts of Hazardous Air Pollutants and Metals Related to Construction Materials
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