Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Game-Changing Strategies: How to Create New Market Space in Established Industries by Breaking the Rules (J-B US non-Franchise Leadership)

Game-Changing Strategies: How to Create New Market Space in Established Industries by Breaking the Rules (J-B US non-Franchise Leadership)
Constantinos C. Markides | 2008-05-23 00:00:00 | Jossey-Bass | 256 | Industrial
Game-Changing Strategies explains the reasons behind this puzzle and presents practical ideas on how established firms could not only discover new radical business models but also grow them next to their existing business models. The challenge for established firms is not the discovery of a new business model?the real challenge is how to make two business models coexist. This book offers advice on how established firms can implement structures and processes that make the new business model less conflicting and more palatable to the existing business.
Yes, you will get smarter by reading this book. Not because it gives you the answers to your questions straight out but because it makes you think of the answers. It gives you the tools.

I simply love this kind of books, I hate the 1+1=2 style .

If you don't like reflecting, this is not for you :-D

Readers of business books on innovation have all been victims of the hype of doing new things and doing things differently. Of course we all know that doing new things and finding new ways of doing things can be sources of considerable value, with payoffs that go far beyond increased efficiency and continuous improvement. But simply eulogizing the companies that have made it big with a new business model (the IKEAs, Body Shops, Entreprise Rent-a-Cars and Southwest Airlines of the world) against formidable established competitors, is eye-opening but somehow insufficient.

Business model innovation - how a company changes key parts of the value chain to create new space in an established industry - is the subject of Professor Markides' new book. Remarkably removed from the common hype Markides emphasizes:

1. That implementing the new business model is harder than inventing it.

2. For a start-up, business model innovation is more obvious and easier than for an established company.

3. There are more business model innovators who fail than succeed.

4. An established company that decides to run a new business model, has to simultaneously manage degrees of differentiation and integration, synergy and competition with the existing business model and different ways of managing these can be successful

5. Established firms have various strategic options when responding to disruptive competitors with new business models

6. Established firms should themselves be innovative in their business models

And much more. The book is partly based on the author's own research of a large sample of business model innovators and is full of well-known and not-so-well-known case-examples, all well-written and with business arguments clearly articulated.

Of course the author understands that innovation is impossible without creativity and he counterbalances his "Creativity is not enough" Chapter 3, with his Appendix B - "How to enhance corporate creativity".

All in all a fine business book.

This book is an excellent wake up call for all market leaders that like to keep in control of their destiny. In a very comprehensable way Markide show the risks of complacency and how companies can stay or get ahead with their innovations.
This book is excellent. It demystifies strategic innovation and explains, in clear and concise language, how established firms can discover and successfully adopt new business models without cannibalizing their existing businesses. The book is delicately balanced between academic research and practical advice, and the numerous case studies presented are extremely well researched and thought provoking. After "All The Right Moves" and "Fast Second", this is another masterpiece by Markides and confirms his status as a world class business strategy scholar and author.

This book provides a thoughtful discussion about how large, incumbent firms can strategically innovate and simultaneously manage two business models to sustain competitive advantages over new entrants. Markides is one of the leading strategy scholars of our time and this new book is relevant for both practicing senior managers as well as those teaching strategy courses. There are many practical examples and a clear explanation of how to implement the ideas. A must read!

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