Practical Protein Crystallography, Second Edition
Duncan E. McRee | 1999-09-15 00:00:00 | Academic Press | 477 | Engineering
Designed for easy use by both beginning and experienced protein crystallographers, the second edition of Practical Protein Crystallography is an essential handbook for any scientist interested in solving a protein structure. The book includes examples of actual experiments and data, electron density maps, and computer methods. This second edition has new material covering CCP4, SHELX, cryocrystallography, MAD and automated fitting.
Key Features
* In-depth coverage of every aspect of crystallography
* Coverage of the small details that can make or break projects
* Strongly application-oriented
* Exceptionally well illustrated
* Simple and easy-to-follow robust methods
* Tutorials with actual data available on the Web
* Useful for a broad spectrum of scientists
I discovered this book in my final year of my PhD, and I am so glad I did. It was indispensible to me and a great revision guide in the time leading upto my viva. I am now doing a post doc in protein crystallography and still use it and recommend it to graduate students and undergrads. I just wish that there were more books similar to this one, but going through other protein crystallography programs and showing how to solve structures. This book is mainly for XtalView and SHELX structure solutions, can you write another one on O and CNS & REFMAC structure solutions! Totally worth every penny and have had to buy another copy as the one I had originally has worn away!
I'd read the first book, back in my undergrad days and resorted to another to get the overall jist of things for basic understanding. But now that I'm actually a "practicing" crystallographer, I find this book indispensable. McRee explains with both detail and DIRECTION such that not only is the context understandable, but it is USABLE...hence the title of the book. All I could wish for were problems, like solving difference Pattersons and the likes...
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