Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Study Guide (Exam 310-051)
| 2003-03-27 00:00:00 | | 0 | Sun Certification
The only classroom-based training and self-assessment system! This study guide provides 100% complete coverage of all objectives for the Sun Certified Architect for J2EE exam. Based on 300,000+ hours of IT training experience, the book contains hundreds of practice exam questions and hands-on exercises. The CD-ROM features full practice exam software with interactive tutorials and lab simulations, plus an adaptive test engine.
User review
Great Guide to Certification
it's a great book, but it's only a Guide and SCEA is a BIG Thing
User review
It is not a Head First but it is very good
First of all sorry for my english, i'm brazilian.
I bought this book after the pain of reading the Study Guide from Sun Microsystems, so it was really good. There are some mistakes that would confuse some inexperienced developers, but the level of skill required for the certification would make the own reader fix it. Good reading, good coverage of subjects, the exercises are not so good but they do their work. A very good benefit i found was cd wich comes with the book, it help me to read it at work on time between tasks.
User review
Excellent J2EE Review For Advanced Developers
I hesitated to buy this book after reading other people's reviews, but I finally got it and thought it was quite impressive. The newest version covers up to J2EE 1.4. There is a simple code example for each pattern that clarifies the meaning. There is an excellent chapter dedicated to Java Connector Architecture 1.5. I've been reading this book at work as I wait for my slow computer to deploy applications to WebSphere, and it seems highly relevant. You should definitely read other books to become an architect, as I have done. I've basically read the other top-selling architecture books before this one. You should also read specific books on security and internationalization. I didn't see many bugs other than a few misworded practice questions. It's definitely worth the time and money.
User review
Very good
This book is amazing, and cover not only everything necessary for the SCEA, but more. Most of this `more` stuff, will not be usefull directly in your test but will help you very much understanding the necessary concepts.
Again, the book is very good, but since it has so much information, it's easy to loose yourself among this sea of words and stories.
I recommend go for other SCEA recommended books like the GoF Design Patterns, Sun Press By Mark Cade, Core J2EE patterns second edition before this one. Once you have a good knowledge to make the test, wrap it all up with this book. It will give you a perfect review of everything and call your attention about small things that no other literature will give to you.
User review
quite useful
i am just in the middle way of reading this book, but what i have got till now is great. I have 8 years career with software development specially in java, i reached to a point am doing system architecture most of the time, but i can say i was doing it from the point of view of `House Architect`, now i can see things from Tower Building Architect, or City Architect in the extreme.
I did not pass the certificate yet so i dont know how much it is useful on this matter.