Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (Pearson Prentice Hall Bioengineering)
George A. Truskey,Fan Yuan,David F. Katz | 2004-01-02 00:00:00 | Prentice Hall | 816 | Engineering
For one-semester, advanced undergraduate/graduate courses in Biotransport Engineering. Presenting engineering fundamentals and biological applications in a unified way, this text provides students with the skills necessary to develop and critically analyze models of biological transport and reaction processes. It covers topics in fluid mechanics, mass transport, and biochemical interactions, with engineering concepts motivated by specific biological problems.
the book was new, but it had a manufacturing problem so I was not pleased with that, but couldn't return it because I needed it in class. Otherwise, came in time, everything else was as described.
This book is very vague in some of the proofs that it contains, however if you have a good understanding of differential equations and some thermodynamics it is fairly easy to follow along, it does make a lot of assumptions that it doesnt explain, so there will be times when you are left scratching your head about a statement they have made, would be nice if it included an index to reference material within the book, i have found it useful in my work (biochemical engineering), however it is not a book i would recommend buying unless you have a working knowledge of the area or someone who does to help you
A honest truth is that, to can understand the concept in this book, you must need the help of an expert like your professor or TA. The material is hard to follow, many of the proofs are incomplete/ or lack adequate steps. The assumptions are not explicity made, which will lead you to ponder on one problem for many hours.
But the book has a very nice mixture of engineering concepts (fluid dynamics) and its biological relavance, the first of its kind. Although conceptiouly it is very hard, the mathematical models presented are phenomenal and are presented with great care. To be sucessfully in the course, you must need a good balance in both attending the lectures as well as reading the book.
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