SONET-based Metro Area Networks
Daniel Minoli,Peter Johnson,Emma Minoli | 2002-06-10 00:00:00 | McGraw-Hill Professional | 526 | Certification Central
The hottest issue in telecom today is how to solve the Metro Area bandwidth bottleneck--with SONET being the solution tha appeals to most telecom companies. But to compete against Ethernet, SONET will need plenty of fine-tuning. This book will help service providers compare their options and fully understand what is really necessary to give current SONET installations "next generation" capabilities.
* Shows how to achieve new-generation features with enhanced SONET and other optical architectures
* Compares SONET's features and services with rival Ethernet-based offerings
* Offers design approaches and business models for real-world deployments
* Covers GMPLS generalized MPLS), a red-hot switching technology for wavelength services
In 2001 the telecom industry spent money on solving the Metro Area bandwidth bottleneck. SONET appeals to the telcos because it is widely deployed, reliable, robust, and scalable. But it will need multiple changes and enhancements to compete against the emerging rivil--Ethernet.
Besause they have been written by the same person. Perhaps by friends of the authors or by the publisher (I don't want to blaim the authors because they have may good books published so far and I own most of them). On the other hand these reviews don't change the fact that this is a really good book on MANs with sonet (though it is not the MAN bible). Warmly recommended.
A must have book. Without a doubt this is the most comprehensive book available in the industry. Great authors! Experts in telecommunication industry. Check out their other publications, all invaluable resources.
I highly recommend this book to everyone. This book is pertinent to the library of any Telecommunications Personnel. It's quite thorough and equipped with the most recent information from the telecommunications industry.
I have 32 years in telecommunications. This book is an exceptional resource. Every essential topic is covered and provides specific and detailed information.
Amazing book. Best source in MAN arena. A must have!
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