Services and Economic Development in the Asia-Pacific (The Dynamics of Economic Space)
Peter W. Daniels,James W. Harrington | 2007-07-30 00:00:00 | Ashgate Publishing | 246 | Economics
Until the 1990s, industrialisation was the dominant development paradigm for the Asia-Pacific region. Since then, advanced services (finance, business or 'producer services', information and creative services) have become deeply embedded in the processes of economic growth and change in the region. This rapid tertiarisation is fundamentally restructuring national and regional economies and urban form in line with the introduction of advanced production systems, national modernisation programmes and the globalisation strategies of governments. Services are being actively deployed as instruments of metropolitan reconfiguration and land use change. This book explores various aspects of the relationship between service industries and economic development in Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand. It provides new sector-oriented and regional and national perspectives on services and development.
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