Monday, May 23, 2011

Mathematical physics Ebooks download-ebook list


1) Mathematical methods for physicists (5th edition)-Arfken G.B.and Weber H.J

2) Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering-R F Riley

3) Mathematical Methods For Physicists - A Concise Introduction-Chow

4) Methods Of Theoretical Physics - Morse and Feshbach - vol. 1

5)  Methods Of Theoretical Physics - Morse and Feshbach - vol. 2

6) Mathematical methods of classical mechanics 2ed - Arnold

7) Methods of Mathematical Physics Vol.1 - Courant, Hilbert

8) Methods of Mathematical Physics Vol.2 - Courant, Hilbert

9) Stone - Methods of Mathematical Physics I

10) Methods of Mathematical Physics II-A set of lecture notes- M Stone

11) Advanced Engineering Mathematics 9th edition - Kreyszig

12) Mathematical Physics - Eugene Butkov

13) A Guided Tour of Mathematical Physics - Roel Snieder