Sunday, May 22, 2011

Classical Electrodynamics-Jackson J D E book download

Classical Electrodynamics-Jackson J D 

 Textbook information
  • Text book title            :Classical Electrodynamics(3Ed , Wiley, 1999)
  • Author                         : Jackson J D
  • ISBN                           : 047130932X
File information
  • File size                     :9.36 Mb
  • File format                : DjVu File
  • Total No. of pages    : 833 pages


Text book Content page

Introduction and Survey 1
  • 1.1 Maxwell Equations in Vacuum, Fields, and Sources 2
  • 1.2 Inverse Square Law, or the Mass of the Photon 5
  • 1.3 Linear Superposition 9
  • 1.4 Maxwell Equations in Macroscopic Media 13
  • 1.5 Boundary Conditions at Interfaces Between Different Media 16
  • 1.6 Some Remarks on Idealizations in Electromagnetism 19
  • References and Suggested Reading 22
  • Chapter 1 / Introduction to Electrostatics 24
  • 1.1 Coulomb's Law 24
  • 1.2 Electric Field 24
  • 1.3 Gauss's Law 27
  • 1.4 Differential Form of Gauss's Law 28
  • 1.5 Another Equation of Electrostatics and the Scalar Potential 29
  • 1.6 Surface Distributions of Charges and Dipoles and Discontinuities
  • in the Electric Field and Potential 31
  • 1.7 Poisson and Laplace Equations 34
  • 1.8 Green's Theorem 35
  • 1.9 Uniqueness of the Solution with Dirichlet or Neumann Boundary
  • Conditions 37
  • 1.10 Formal Solution of Electrostatic Boundary-Value Problem
  • with Green Function 38
  • 1.11 Electrostatic Potential Energy and Energy Density; Capacitance 40
  • 1.12 Variational Approach to the Solution of the Laplace and Poisson
  • Equations 43
  • 1.13 Relaxation Method for Two-Dimensional Electrostatic Problems 47
  • References and Suggested Reading 50
  • Problems 50
Chapter 2 / Boundary- Value Problems in Electrostatics: I 57
  • 2.1 Method of Images 57
  • 2.2 Point Charge in the Presence of a Grounded Conducting Sphere 58
  • 2.3 Point Charge in the Presence of a Charged, Insulated, Conducting
  • Sphere 60
  • 2.4 Point Charge Near a Conducting Sphere at Fixed Potential 61
  • 2.5 Conducting Sphere in a Uniform Electric Field by Method
  • of Images 62
  • 2.6 Green Function for the Sphere; General Solution
  • for the Potential 64
  • 2.7 Conducting Sphere with Hemispheres at Different Potentials 65 2.8 Orthogonal Functions and Expansions 67
  • 2.9 Separation of Variables; Laplace Equation in Rectangular
  • Coordinates 70
  • 2.10 A Two-Dimensional Potential Problem; Summation
  • of Fourier Series 72
  • 2.11 Fields and Charge Densities in Two-Dimensional Corners
  • and Along Edges 75
  • 2.12 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis for Electrostatics 79
  • References and Suggested Reading 84
  • Problems 85
Chapter 3 / Boundary- Value Problems in Electrostatics: II 95
  • 3.1 Laplace Equation in Spherical Coordinates 95
  • 3.2 Legendre Equation and Legendre Polynomials 96
  • 3.3 Boundary-Value Problems with Azimuthal Symmetry 101
  • 3.4 Behavior of Fields in a Conical Hole or Near a Sharp Point 104
  • 3.5 Associated Legendre Functions and the Spherical Harmonics
  • Ylm@, Ф) Ю7
  • 3.6 Addition Theorem for Spherical Harmonics 110
  • 3.7 Laplace Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates; Bessel Functions 111
  • 3.8 Boundary-Value Problems in Cylindrical Coordinates 117
  • 3.9 Expansion of Green Functions in Spherical Coordinates 119
  • 3.10 Solution of Potential Problems with the Spherical Green Function
  • Expansion 112
  • 3.11 Expansion of Green Functions in Cylindrical Coordinates 125
  • 3.12 Eigenfunction Expansions for Green Functions 127
  • 3.13 Mixed Boundary Conditions, Conducting Plane with a Circular
  • Hole 129
  • References and Suggested Reading 135
  • Problems 135
Chapter 4 / Multipoles, Electrostatics of Macroscopic Media
Dielectrics 145
  • 4.1 Multipole Expansion 145
  • 4.2 Multipole Expansion of the Energy of a Charge Distribution
  • in an External Field 150
  • 4.3 Elementary Treatment of Electrostatics with Ponderable Media 151
  • 4.4 Boundary-Value Problems with Dielectrics 154
  • 4.5 Molecular Polarizability and Electric Susceptibility 159
  • 4.6 Models for Electric Polarizability 162
  • 4.7 Electrostatic Energy in Dielectric Media 165
  • References and Suggested Reading 169
  • Problems 169
Chapter 5 / Magnetostatics, Faraday's Law, Quasi-Static Fields 174
  • 5.1 Introduction and Definitions 174
  • 5.2 Biot and Savart Law 175
  • 5.3 Differential Equations of Magnetostatics and Ampere's Law 178
  • 5.4 Vector Potential 180
  • 5.5 Vector Potential and Magnetic Induction for a Circular Current
  • Loop 181
  • 5.6 Magnetic Fields of a Localized Current Distribution, Magnetic
  • Moment 184
  • 5.7 Force and Torque on and Energy of a Localized Current Distribution
  • in an External Magnetic Induction 188
  • 5.8 Macroscopic Equations, Boundary Conditions on В and H 191
  • 5.9 Methods of Solving Boundary-Value Problems
  • in Magnetostatics 194
  • 5.10 Uniformly Magnetized Sphere 198
  • 5.11 Magnetized Sphere in an External Field; Permanent Magnets 199
  • 5.12 Magnetic Shielding, Spherical Shell of Permeable Material
  • in a Uniform Field 201
  • 5.13 Effect of a Circular Hole in a Perfectly Conducting Plane
  • with an Asymptotically Uniform Tangential Magnetic Field
  • on One Side 203
  • 5.14 Numerical Methods for Two-Dimensional Magnetic Fields 206
  • 5.15 Faraday's Law of Induction 208
  • 5.16 Energy in the Magnetic Field 212
  • 5.17 Energy and Self- and Mutual Inductances 215
  • 5.18 Quasi-Static Magnetic Fields in Conductors; Eddy Currents; Magnetic
  • Diffusion 218
  • References and Suggested Reading 223
  • Problems 225
Chapter 6 / Maxwell Equations, Macroscopic Electromagnetism,
Conservation Laws 237
  • 6.1 Maxwell's Displacement Current; Maxwell Equations 237
  • 6.2 Vector and Scalar Potentials 239
  • 6.3 Gauge Transformations, Lorenz Gauge, Coulomb Gauge 240
  • 6.4 Green Functions for the Wave Equation 243
  • 6.5 Retarded Solutions for the Fields: Jefimenko's Generalizations
  • of the Coulomb and Biot-Savart Laws; Heaviside-Feynman
  • Expressions for Fields of Point Charge 246
  • 6.6 Derivation of the Equations of Macroscopic Electromagnetism 248
  • 6.7 Poynting's Theorem and Conservation of Energy and Momentum
  • for a System of Charged Particles and Electromagnetic Fields 258
  • 6.8 Poynting's Theorem in Linear Dissipative Media with Losses 262
  • 6.9 Poynting's Theorem for Harmonic Fields; Field Definitions
  • of Impedance and Admittance 264
  • 6.10 Transformation Properties of Electromagnetic Fields and Sources
  • Under Rotations, Spatial Reflections, and Time Reversal 267
  • 6.11 On the Question of Magnetic Monopoles 273
  • 6.12 Discussion of the Dirac Quantization Condition 275
  • 6.13 Polarization Potentials (Hertz Vectors) 280
  • References and Suggested Reading 282
  • Problems 283
Chapter 7 / Plane Electromagnetic Waves and Wave Propagation 295
  • 7.1 Plane Waves in a Nonconducting Medium 295
  • 7.2 Linear and Circular Polarization; Stokes Parameters 299
  • 7.3 Reflection and Refraction of Electromagnetic Waves at a Plane
  • Interface Between Two Dielectrics 302
  • 7.4 Polarization by Reflection, Total Internal Reflection; Goos-Hanchen
  • Effect 306
  • 7.5 Frequency Dispersion Characteristics of Dielectrics, Conductors,
  • and Plasmas 309
  • 7.6 Simplified Model of Propagation in the Ionosphere
  • and Magnetosphere 316
  • 7.7 Magnetohydrodynamic Waves 319
  • 7.8 Superposition of Waves in One Dimension; Group Velocity 322
  • 7.9 Illustration of the Spreading of a Pulse As It Propagates in a Dispersive
  • Medium 326
  • 7.10 Causality in the Connection Between D and E; Kramers-Kronig
  • Relations 330
  • 7.11 Arrival of a Signal After Propagation Through a Dispersive
  • Medium 335
  • References and Suggested Reading 339
  • Problems 340
Chapter 8 / Waveguides, Resonant Cavities, and Optical Fibers 352
  • 8.1 Fields at the Surface of and Within a Conductor 352
  • 8.2 Cylindrical Cavities and Waveguides 356
  • 8.3 Waveguides 359
  • 8.4 Modes in a Rectangular Waveguide 361
  • 8.5 Energy Flow and Attenuation in Waveguides 363
  • 8.6 Perturbation of Boundary Conditions 366
  • 8.7 Resonant Cavities 368
  • 8.8 Power Losses in a Cavity; Q of a Cavity 371
  • 8.9 Earth and Ionosphere as a Resonant Cavity:
  • Schumann Resonances 374
  • 8.10 Multimode Propagation in Optical Fibers 378
  • 8.11 Modes in Dielectric Waveguides 385
  • 8.12 Expansion in Normal Modes; Fields Generated by a Localized
  • Source in a Hollow Metallic Guide 389
  • References and Suggested Reading 395
  • Problems 396
Chapter 9 / Radiating Systems, Multipole Fields and Radiation 407
  • 9.1 Fields and Radiation of a Localized Oscillating Source 407
  • 9.2 Electric Dipole Fields and Radiation 410
  • 9.3 Magnetic Dipole and Electric Quadrupole Fields 413
  • 9.4 Center-Fed Linear Antenna 416
  • 9.5 Multipole Expansion for Localized Source or Aperture
  • in Waveguide 419
  • 9.6 Spherical Wave Solutions of the Scalar Wave Equation 425
  • 9.7 Multipole Expansion of the Electromagnetic Fields 429
  • 9.8 Properties of Multipole Fields, Energy and Angular Momentum
  • of Multipole Radiation 432
  • 9.9 Angular Distribution of Multipole Radiation 437
  • 9.10 Sources of Multipole Radiation; Multipole Moments 439
  • 9.11 Multipole Radiation in Atoms and Nuclei 442
  • 9.12 Multipole Radiation from a Linear, Center-Fed Antenna 444
  • References and Suggested Reading 448
  • Problems 449
Chapter 10 / Scattering and Diffraction 456
  • 10.1 Scattering at Long Wavelengths 456
  • 10.2 Perturbation Theory of Scattering, Rayleigh's Explanation
  • of the Blue Sky, Scattering by Gases and Liquids, Attenuation
  • in Optical Fibers 462
  • 10.3 Spherical Wave Expansion of a Vector Plane Wave 471
  • 10.4 Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Sphere 473
  • 10.5 Scalar Diffraction Theory 478
  • 10.6 Vector Equivalents of the Kirchhoff Integral 482
  • 10.7 Vectorial Diffraction Theory 485
  • 10.8 Babinet's Principle of Complementary Screens 488
  • 10.9 Diffraction by a Circular Aperture; Remarks on Small
  • Apertures 490
  • 10.10 Scattering in the Short-Wavelength Limit 495
  • 10.11 Optical Theorem and Related Matters 500
  • References and Suggested Reading 506
  • Problems 507
Chapter 11 / Special Theory of Relativity 514
  • 11.1 The Situation Before 1900, Einstein's Two Postulates 515
  • 11.2 Some Recent Experiments 518
  • 11.3 Lorentz Transformations and Basic Kinematic Results of Special
  • Relativity 524
  • 11.4 Addition of Velocities; 4-Velocity 530
  • 11.5 Relativistic Momentum and Energy of a Particle 533
  • 11.6 Mathematical Properties of the Space-Time of Special
  • Relativity 539
  • 11.7 Matrix Representation of Lorentz Transformations, Infinitesimal
  • Generators 543
  • 11.8 Thomas Precession 548
  • 11.9 Invariance of Electric Charge; Covariance of Electrodynamics 553
  • 11.10 Transformation of Electromagnetic Fields 558
  • 11.11 Relativistic Equation of Motion for Spin in Uniform or Slowly Varying
  • External Fields 561
  • 11.12 Note on Notation and Units in Relativistic Kinematics 565
  • References and Suggested Reading 566
  • Problems 568
Chapter 12 / Dynamics of Relativistic Particles
and Electromagnetic Fields 579
  • 12.1 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for a Relativistic Charged Particle
  • in External Electromagnetic Fields 579
  • 12.2 Motion in a Uniform, Static Magnetic Field 585
  • 12.3 Motion in Combined, Uniform, Static Electric and Magnetic
  • Fields 586
  • 12.4 Particle Drifts in Nonuniform, Static Magnetic Fields 588
  • 12.5 Adiabatic Invariance of Flux Through Orbit of Particle 592
  • 12.6 Lowest Order Relativistic Corrections to the Lagrangian for Interacting
  • Charged Particles: The Darwin Lagrangian 596
  • 12.7 Lagrangian for the Electromagnetic Field 598
  • 12.8 Proca Lagrangian; Photon Mass Effects 600
  • 12.9 Effective "Photon" Mass in Superconductivity; London Penetration
  • Depth 603
  • 12.10 Canonical and Symmetric Stress Tensors; Conservation Laws 605
  • 12.11 Solution of the Wave Equation in Covariant Form; Invariant Green
  • Functions 612
  • References and Suggested Reading 615
  • Problems 617
Chapter 13 / Collisions, Energy Loss, and Scattering of Charged Particles,
Cherenkov and Transition Radiation 624
  • 13.1 Energy Transfer in Coulomb Collision Between Heavy Incident Particle
  • and Free Electron; Energy Loss in Hard Collisions 625
  • 13.2 Energy Loss from Soft Collisions; Total Energy Loss 627
  • 13.3 Density Effect in Collisional Energy Loss 631
  • 13.4 Cherenkov Radiation 637
  • 13.5 Elastic Scattering of Fast Charged Particles by Atoms 640
  • 13.6 Mean Square Angle of Scattering; Angular Distribution of Multiple
  • Scattering 643
  • 13.7 Transition Radiation 646
  • References and Suggested Reading 654
  • Problems 655
  • Chapter 14 / Radiation by Moving Charges 661
  • 14.1 Lienard-Wiechert Potentials and Fields for a Point Charge 661
  • 14.2 Total Power Radiated by an Accelerated Charge: Larmor's Formula
  • and Its Relativistic Generalization 665
  • 14.3 Angular Distribution of Radiation Emitted by an Accelerated
  • Charge 668
  • 14.4 Radiation Emitted by a Charge in Arbitrary, Extremely Relativistic
  • Motion 671
  • 14.5 Distribution in Frequency and Angle of Energy Radiated
  • by Accelerated Charges: Basic Results 673
  • 14.6 Frequency Spectrum of Radiation Emitted by a Relativistic Charged
  • Particle in Instantaneously Circular Motion 676
  • 14.7 Undulators and Wigglers for Synchrotron Light Sources 683
  • 14.8 Thomson Scattering of Radiation 694
  • References and Suggested Reading 697
  • Problems 698
Chapter 15 / Bremsstrahlung, Method of Virtual Quanta,
Radiative Beta Processes 708
  • 15.1 Radiation Emitted During Collisions 709
  • 15.2 Bremsstrahlung in Coulomb Collisions 714
  • 15.3 Screening Effects; Relativistic Radiative Energy Loss 721
  • 15.4 Weizsacker-Williams Method of Virtual Quanta 724
  • 15.5 Bremsstrahlung as the Scattering of Virtual Quanta 729
  • 15.6 Radiation Emitted During Beta Decay 730
  • 15.7 Radiation Emitted During Orbital Electron Capture: Disappearance
  • of Charge and Magnetic Moment 732
  • References and Suggested Reading 737
  • Problems 737
Chapter 16 / Radiation Damping, Classical Models
of Charged Particles 745
  • 16.1 Introductory Considerations 745
  • 16.2 Radiative Reaction Force from Conservation of Energy 747
  • 16.3 Abraham-Lorentz Evaluation of the Self-Force 750
  • 16.4 Relativistic Covariance; Stability and Poincare Stresses 755
  • 16.5 Covariant Definitions of Electromagnetic Energy
  • and Momentum 757
  • 16.6 Covariant Stable Charged Particle 759
  • 16.7 Level Breadth and Level Shift of a Radiating Oscillator 763
  • 16.8 Scattering and Absorption of Radiation by an Oscillator 766
  • References and Suggested Reading 768
  • Problems 769
Appendix on Units and Dimensions 775
1 Units and Dimensions, Basic Units and Derived Units 775
2 Electromagnetic Units and Equations 777
3 Various Systems of Electromagnetic Units 779
4 Conversion of Equations and Amounts Between SI Units
and Gaussian Units 782
Bibliography 785
Index 791

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