Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering-R F Riley E book Download

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering-R F Riley

 Textbook information
  • Text book title            :Classical Electrodynamics(3Ed , Wiley, 1999)
  • Author                         : R F Riley,Hobson,Bence
  • ISBN                           : 9780521679718
File information
  • File size                     :9.25 Mb
  • File format                : PDF File
  • Total No. of pages    : 1363  pages 


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 Text book Content page

1 Preliminary algebra 1
  • 1.1 Simple functions and equations 1
  • Polynomial equations; factorisation; properties of roots
  • 1.2 Trigonometric identities 10
  • Single angle; compound angles; double- and half-angle identities
  • 1.3 Coordinate geometry 15
  • 1.4 Partial fractions 18
  • Complications and special cases
  • 1.5 Binomial expansion 25
  • 1.6 Properties of binomial coefficients 27
  • 1.7 Some particular methods of proof 30
  • Proof by induction; proof by contradiction; necessary and sufficient conditions
  • 1.8 Exercises 36
  • 1.9 Hints and answers 39
2 Preliminary calculus 41
  • 2.1 Differentiation 41
  • Differentiation from first principles; products; the chain rule; quotients;
  • implicit differentiation; logarithmic differentiation; Leibnitz’ theorem; special
  • points of a function; curvature; theorems of differentiation
  • 2.2 Integration 59
  • Integration from first principles; the inverse of differentiation; by inspection;
  • sinusoidal functions; logarithmic integration; using partial fractions;
  • substitution method; integration by parts; reduction formulae; infinite and
  • improper integrals; plane polar coordinates; integral inequalities; applications
  • of integration
  • 2.3 Exercises 76
  • 2.4 Hints and answers 81
3 Complex numbers and hyperbolic functions 83
  • 3.1 The need for complex numbers 83
  • 3.2 Manipulation of complex numbers 85
  • Addition and subtraction; modulus and argument; multiplication; complex
  • conjugate; division
  • 3.3 Polar representation of complex numbers 92
  • Multiplication and division in polar form
  • 3.4 de Moivre’s theorem 95
  • trigonometric identities; finding the nth roots of unity; solving polynomial
  • equations
  • 3.5 Complex logarithms and complex powers 99
  • 3.6 Applications to differentiation and integration 101
  • 3.7 Hyperbolic functions 102
  • Definitions; hyperbolic–trigonometric analogies; identities of hyperbolic
  • functions; solving hyperbolic equations; inverses of hyperbolic functions;
  • calculus of hyperbolic functions
  • 3.8 Exercises 109
  • 3.9 Hints and answers 113
4 Series and limits 115
  • 4.1 Series 115
  • 4.2 Summation of series 116
  • Arithmetic series; geometric series; arithmetico-geometric series; the difference
  • method; series involving natural numbers; transformation of series
  • 4.3 Convergence of infinite series 124
  • Absolute and conditional convergence; series containing only real positive
  • terms; alternating series test
  • 4.4 Operations with series 131
  • 4.5 Power series 131
  • Convergence of power series; operations with power series
  • 4.6 Taylor series 136
  • Taylor’s theorem; approximation errors; standard Maclaurin series
  • 4.7 Evaluation of limits 141
  • 4.8 Exercises 144
  • 4.9 Hints and answers
5 Partial differentiation 151
  • 5.1 Definition of the partial derivative 151
  • 5.2 The total differential and total derivative 153
  • 5.3 Exact and inexact differentials 155
  • 5.4 Useful theorems of partial differentiation 157
  • 5.5 The chain rule 157
  • 5.6 Change of variables 158
  • 5.7 Taylor’s theorem for many-variable functions 160
  • 5.8 Stationary values of many-variable functions 162
  • 5.9 Stationary values under constraints 167
  • 5.10 Envelopes 173
  • 5.11 Thermodynamic relations 176
  • 5.12 Differentiation of integrals 178
  • 5.13 Exercises 179
  • 5.14 Hints and answers 185
6 Multiple integrals 187
  • 6.1 Double integrals 187
  • 6.2 Triple integrals 190
  • 6.3 Applications of multiple integrals 191
  • Areas and volumes; masses, centres of mass and centroids; Pappus’ theorems;
  • moments of inertia; mean values of functions
  • 6.4 Change of variables in multiple integrals 199
  • Change of variables in double integrals; evaluation of the integral I = ∞
  • −∞ e−x2
  • dx; change of variables in triple integrals; general properties of
  • Jacobians
  • 6.5 Exercises 207
  • 6.6 Hints and answers 211
7 Vector algebra 212
  • 7.1 Scalars and vectors 212
  • 7.2 Addition and subtraction of vectors 213
  • 7.3 Multiplication by a scalar 214
  • 7.4 Basis vectors and components 217
  • 7.5 Magnitude of a vector 218
  • 7.6 Multiplication of vectors 219
  • Scalar product; vector product; scalar triple product; vector triple product
  • 7.7 Equations of lines, planes and spheres 226
  • 7.8 Using vectors to find distances 229
  • Point to line; point to plane; line to line; line to plane
  • 7.9 Reciprocal vectors 233
  • 7.10 Exercises 234
  • 7.11 Hints and answers 240
8 Matrices and vector spaces 241
  • 8.1 Vector spaces 242
  • Basis vectors; inner product; some useful inequalities
  • 8.2 Linear operators 247
  • 8.3 Matrices 249
  • 8.4 Basic matrix algebra 250
  • Matrix addition; multiplication by a scalar; matrix multiplication
  • 8.5 Functions of matrices 255
  • 8.6 The transpose of a matrix 255
  • 8.7 The complex and Hermitian conjugates of a matrix 256
  • 8.8 The trace of a matrix 258
  • 8.9 The determinant of a matrix 259
  • Properties of determinants
  • 8.10 The inverse of a matrix 263
  • 8.11 The rank of a matrix 267
  • 8.12 Special types of square matrix 268
  • Diagonal; triangular; symmetric and antisymmetric; orthogonal; Hermitian
  • and anti-Hermitian; unitary; normal
  • 8.13 Eigenvectors and eigenvalues 272
  • Of a normal matrix; of Hermitian and anti-Hermitian matrices; of a unitary
  • matrix; of a general square matrix
  • 8.14 Determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors 280
  • Degenerate eigenvalues
  • 8.15 Change of basis and similarity transformations 282
  • 8.16 Diagonalisation of matrices 285
  • 8.17 Quadratic and Hermitian forms 288
  • Stationary properties of the eigenvectors; quadratic surfaces
  • 8.18 Simultaneous linear equations 292
  • Range; null space; N simultaneous linear equations in N unknowns; singular
  • value decomposition
  • 8.19 Exercises 307
  • 8.20 Hints and answers 314
9 Normal modes 316
  • 9.1 Typical oscillatory systems 317
  • 9.2 Symmetry and normal modes 3229.3 Rayleigh–Ritz method 327
  • 9.4 Exercises 329
  • 9.5 Hints and answers 332
10 Vector calculus 334
  • 10.1 Differentiation of vectors 334
  • Composite vector expressions; differential of a vector
  • 10.2 Integration of vectors 339
  • 10.3 Space curves 340
  • 10.4 Vector functions of several arguments 344
  • 10.5 Surfaces 345
  • 10.6 Scalar and vector fields 347
  • 10.7 Vector operators 347
  • Gradient of a scalar field; divergence of a vector field; curl of a vector field
  • 10.8 Vector operator formulae 354
  • Vector operators acting on sums and products; combinations of grad, div and
  • curl
  • 10.9 Cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates 357
  • 10.10 General curvilinear coordinates 364
  • 10.11 Exercises 369
  • 10.12 Hints and answers 375
11 Line, surface and volume integrals 377
  • 11.1 Line integrals 377
  • Evaluating line integrals; physical examples; line integrals with respect to a
  • scalar
  • 11.2 Connectivity of regions 383
  • 11.3 Green’s theorem in a plane 384
  • 11.4 Conservative fields and potentials 387
  • 11.5 Surface integrals 389
  • Evaluating surface integrals; vector areas of surfaces; physical examples
  • 11.6 Volume integrals 396
  • Volumes of three-dimensional regions
  • 11.7 Integral forms for grad, div and curl 398
  • 11.8 Divergence theorem and related theorems 401
  • Green’s theorems; other related integral theorems; physical applications
  • 11.9 Stokes’ theorem and related theorems 406
  • Related integral theorems; physical applications
  • 11.10 Exercises 409
  • 11.11 Hints and answers 414
12 Fourier series 415
  • 12.1 The Dirichlet conditions 4 12.2 The Fourier coefficients 417
  • 12.3 Symmetry considerations 419
  • 12.4 Discontinuous functions 420
  • 12.5 Non-periodic functions 422
  • 12.6 Integration and differentiation 424
  • 12.7 Complex Fourier series 424
  • 12.8 Parseval’s theorem 426
  • 12.9 Exercises 427
  • 12.10 Hints and answers 431
13 Integral transforms 433
  • 13.1 Fourier transforms 433
  • The uncertainty principle; Fraunhofer diffraction; the Dirac δ-function;
  • relation of the δ-function to Fourier transforms; properties of Fourier
  • transforms; odd and even functions; convolution and deconvolution; correlation
  • functions and energy spectra; Parseval’s theorem; Fourier transforms in higher
  • dimensions
  • 13.2 Laplace transforms 453
  • Laplace transforms of derivatives and integrals; other properties of Laplace
  • transforms
  • 13.3 Concluding remarks 459
  • 13.4 Exercises 460
  • 13.5 Hints and answers 466
14 First-order ordinary differential equations 468
  • 14.1 General form of solution 469
  • 14.2 First-degree first-order equations 470
  • Separable-variable equations; exact equations; inexact equations, integrating
  • factors; linear equations; homogeneous equations; isobaric equations;
  • Bernoulli’s equation; miscellaneous equations
  • 14.3 Higher-degree first-order equations 480
  • Equations soluble for p; for x; for y; Clairaut’s equation
  • 14.4 Exercises 484
  • 14.5 Hints and answers 488
15 Higher-order ordinary differential equations 490
  • 15.1 Linear equations with constant coefficients 492
  • Finding the complementary function yc(x); finding the particular integral
  • yp(x); constructing the general solution yc(x) + yp(x); linear recurrence
  • relations; Laplace transform method
  • 15.2 Linear equations with variable coefficients 503
  • The Legendre and Euler linear equations; exact equations; partially known
  • complementary function; variation of parameters; Green’s functions; canonical15.3 General ordinary differential equations 518
  • Dependent variable absent; independent variable absent; non-linear exact
  • equations; isobaric or homogeneous equations; equations homogeneous in x
  • or y alone; equations having y = Aex as a solution
  • 15.4 Exercises 523
  • 15.5 Hints and answers 529
16 Series solutions of ordinary differential equations 531
  • 16.1 Second-order linear ordinary differential equations 531
  • Ordinary and singular points
  • 16.2 Series solutions about an ordinary point 535
  • 16.3 Series solutions about a regular singular point 538
  • Distinct roots not differing by an integer; repeated root of the indicial
  • equation; distinct roots differing by an integer
  • 16.4 Obtaining a second solution 544
  • The Wronskian method; the derivative method; series form of the second
  • solution
  • 16.5 Polynomial solutions 548
  • 16.6 Exercises 550
  • 16.7 Hints and answers 553
17 Eigenfunction methods for differential equations 554
  • 17.1 Sets of functions 556
  • Some useful inequalities
  • 17.2 Adjoint, self-adjoint and Hermitian operators 559
  • 17.3 Properties of Hermitian operators 561
  • Reality of the eigenvalues; orthogonality of the eigenfunctions; construction
  • of real eigenfunctions
  • 17.4 Sturm–Liouville equations 564
  • Valid boundary conditions; putting an equation into Sturm–Liouville form
  • 17.5 Superposition of eigenfunctions: Green’s functions 569
  • 17.6 A useful generalisation 572
  • 17.7 Exercises 573
  • 17.8 Hints and answers 576
18 Special functions 577
  • 18.1 Legendre functions 577
  • General solution for integer ; properties of Legendre polynomials
  • 18.2 Associated Legendre functions 587
  • 18.3 Spherical harmonics 593
  • 18.4 Chebyshev functions 595
  • 18.5 Bessel functions 602
  • General solution for non-integer ν; general solution for integer ν; properties
  • of Bessel functions18.6 Spherical Bessel functions 614
  • 18.7 Laguerre functions 616
  • 18.8 Associated Laguerre functions 621
  • 18.9 Hermite functions 624
  • 18.10 Hypergeometric functions 628
  • 18.11 Confluent hypergeometric functions 633
  • 18.12 The gamma function and related functions 635
  • 18.13 Exercises 640
  • 18.14 Hints and answers 646
19 Quantum operators 648
  • 19.1 Operator formalism 648
  • Commutators
  • 19.2 Physical examples of operators 656
  • Uncertainty principle; angular momentum; creation and annihilation operators
  • 19.3 Exercises 671
  • 19.4 Hints and answers 674
20 Partial differential equations: general and particular solutions 675
  • 20.1 Important partial differential equations 676
  • The wave equation; the diffusion equation; Laplace’s equation; Poisson’s
  • equation; Schr¨odinger’s equation
  • 20.2 General form of solution 680
  • 20.3 General and particular solutions 681
  • First-order equations; inhomogeneous equations and problems; second-order
  • equations
  • 20.4 The wave equation 693
  • 20.5 The diffusion equation 695
  • 20.6 Characteristics and the existence of solutions 699
  • First-order equations; second-order equations
  • 20.7 Uniqueness of solutions 705
  • 20.8 Exercises 707
  • 20.9 Hints and answers 711
21 Partial differential equations: separation of variables
and other methods 713
  • 21.1 Separation of variables: the general method 713
  • 21.2 Superposition of separated solutions 717
  • 21.3 Separation of variables in polar coordinates 725
  • Laplace’s equation in polar coordinates; spherical harmonics; other equations
  • in polar coordinates; solution by expansion; separation of variables for
  • inhomogeneous equations
  • 21.4 Integral transform methods 74721.5 Inhomogeneous problems – Green’s functions 751
  • Similarities to Green’s functions for ordinary differential equations; general
  • boundary-value problems; Dirichlet problems; Neumann problems
  • 21.6 Exercises 767
  • 21.7 Hints and answers 773
22 Calculus of variations 775
  • 22.1 The Euler–Lagrange equation 776
  • 22.2 Special cases 777
  • F does not contain y explicitly; F does not contain x explicitly
  • 22.3 Some extensions 781
  • Several dependent variables; several independent variables; higher-order
  • derivatives; variable end-points
  • 22.4 Constrained variation 785
  • 22.5 Physical variational principles 787
  • Fermat’s principle in optics; Hamilton’s principle in mechanics
  • 22.6 General eigenvalue problems 790
  • 22.7 Estimation of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions 792
  • 22.8 Adjustment of parameters 795
  • 22.9 Exercises 797
  • 22.10 Hints and answers 801
23 Integral equations 803
  • 23.1 Obtaining an integral equation from a differential equation 803
  • 23.2 Types of integral equation 804
  • 23.3 Operator notation and the existence of solutions 805
  • 23.4 Closed-form solutions 806
  • Separable kernels; integral transform methods; differentiation
  • 23.5 Neumann series 813
  • 23.6 Fredholm theory 815
  • 23.7 Schmidt–Hilbert theory 816
  • 23.8 Exercises 819
  • 23.9 Hints and answers 823
24 Complex variables 824
  • 24.1 Functions of a complex variable 825
  • 24.2 The Cauchy–Riemann relations 827
  • 24.3 Power series in a complex variable 830
  • 24.4 Some elementary functions 832
  • 24.5 Multivalued functions and branch cuts 835
  • 24.6 Singularities and zeros of complex functions 837
  • 24.7 Conformal transformations 839
  • 24.8 Complex integrals 8424.9 Cauchy’s theorem 849
  • 24.10 Cauchy’s integral formula 851
  • 24.11 Taylor and Laurent series 853
  • 24.12 Residue theorem 858
  • 24.13 Definite integrals using contour integration 861
  • 24.14 Exercises 867
  • 24.15 Hints and answers 870
25 Applications of complex variables 871
  • 25.1 Complex potentials 871
  • 25.2 Applications of conformal transformations 876
  • 25.3 Location of zeros 879
  • 25.4 Summation of series 882
  • 25.5 Inverse Laplace transform 884
  • 25.6 Stokes’ equation and Airy integrals 888
  • 25.7 WKB methods 895
  • 25.8 Approximations to integrals 905
  • Level lines and saddle points; steepest descents; stationary phase
  • 25.9 Exercises 920
  • 25.10 Hints and answers 925
26 Tensors 927
  • 26.1 Some notation 928
  • 26.2 Change of basis 929
  • 26.3 Cartesian tensors 930
  • 26.4 First- and zero-order Cartesian tensors 932
  • 26.5 Second- and higher-order Cartesian tensors 935
  • 26.6 The algebra of tensors 938
  • 26.7 The quotient law 939
  • 26.8 The tensors δij and ijk 941
  • 26.9 Isotropic tensors 944
  • 26.10 Improper rotations and pseudotensors 946
  • 26.11 Dual tensors 949
  • 26.12 Physical applications of tensors 950
  • 26.13 Integral theorems for tensors 954
  • 26.14 Non-Cartesian coordinates 955
  • 26.15 The metric tensor 957
  • 26.16 General coordinate transformations and tensors 960
  • 26.17 Relative tensors 963
  • 26.18 Derivatives of basis vectors and Christoffel symbols 965
  • 26.19 Covariant differentiation 968
  • 26.20 Vector operators in tensor form 97126.21 Absolute derivatives along curves 975
  • 26.22 Geodesics 976
  • 26.23 Exercises 977
  • 26.24 Hints and answers 982
27 Numerical methods 984
  • 27.1 Algebraic and transcendental equations 985
  • Rearrangement of the equation; linear interpolation; binary chopping;
  • Newton–Raphson method
  • 27.2 Convergence of iteration schemes 992
  • 27.3 Simultaneous linear equations 994
  • Gaussian elimination; Gauss–Seidel iteration; tridiagonal matrices
  • 27.4 Numerical integration 1000
  • Trapezium rule; Simpson’s rule; Gaussian integration; Monte Carlo methods
  • 27.5 Finite differences 1019
  • 27.6 Differential equations 1020
  • Difference equations; Taylor series solutions; prediction and correction;
  • Runge–Kutta methods; isoclines
  • 27.7 Higher-order equations 1028
  • 27.8 Partial differential equations 1030
  • 27.9 Exercises 1033
  • 27.10 Hints and answers 1039
28 Group theory 1041
  • 28.1 Groups 1041
  • Definition of a group; examples of groups
  • 28.2 Finite groups 1049
  • 28.3 Non-Abelian groups 1052
  • 28.4 Permutation groups 1056
  • 28.5 Mappings between groups 1059
  • 28.6 Subgroups 1061
  • 28.7 Subdividing a group 1063
  • Equivalence relations and classes; congruence and cosets; conjugates and
  • classes
  • 28.8 Exercises 1070
  • 28.9 Hints and answers 1074
29 Representation theory 1076
29.1 Dipole moments of molecules 1077
29.2 Choosing an appropriate formalism 1078
29.3 Equivalent representations 1084
29.4 Reducibility of a representation 1086
29.5 The orthogonality theorem for irreducible representations 1090
29.6 Characters 1092
Orthogonality property of characters
29.7 Counting irreps using characters 1095
Summation rules for irreps
29.8 Construction of a character table 1100
29.9 Group nomenclature 1102
29.10 Product representations 1103
29.11 Physical applications of group theory 1105
Bonding in molecules; matrix elements in quantum mechanics; degeneracy of
normal modes; breaking of degeneracies
29.12 Exercises 1113
29.13 Hints and answers 1117
30 Probability 1119
  • 30.1 Venn diagrams 1119
  • 30.2 Probability 1124
  • Axioms and theorems; conditional probability; Bayes’ theorem
  • 30.3 Permutations and combinations 1133
  • 30.4 Random variables and distributions 1139
  • Discrete random variables; continuous random variables
  • 30.5 Properties of distributions 1143
  • Mean; mode and median; variance and standard deviation; moments; central
  • moments
  • 30.6 Functions of random variables 1150
  • 30.7 Generating functions 1157
  • Probability generating functions; moment generating functions; characteristic
  • functions; cumulant generating functions
  • 30.8 Important discrete distributions 1168
  • Binomial; geometric; negative binomial; hypergeometric; Poisson
  • 30.9 Important continuous distributions 1179
  • Gaussian; log-normal; exponential; gamma; chi-squared; Cauchy; Breit–
  • Wigner; uniform
  • 30.10 The central limit theorem 1195
  • 30.11 Joint distributions 1196
  • Discrete bivariate; continuous bivariate; marginal and conditional distributions
  • 30.12 Properties of joint distributions 1199
  • Means; variances; covariance and correlation
  • 30.13 Generating functions for joint distributions 1205
  • 30.14 Transformation of variables in joint distributions 1206
  • 30.15 Important joint distributions 1207
  • Multinominal; multivariate Gaussian
  • 30.16 Exercises 1211 30.17 Hints and answers 1219
31 Statistics 1221
  • 31.1 Experiments, samples and populations 1221
  • 31.2 Sample statistics 1222
  • Averages; variance and standard deviation; moments; covariance and correlation
  • 31.3 Estimators and sampling distributions 1229
  • Consistency, bias and efficiency; Fisher’s inequality; standard errors; confidence
  • limits
  • 31.4 Some basic estimators 1243
  • Mean; variance; standard deviation; moments; covariance and correlation
  • 31.5 Maximum-likelihood method 1255
  • ML estimator; transformation invariance and bias; efficiency; errors and
  • confidence limits; Bayesian interpretation; large-N behaviour; extended
  • ML method
  • 31.6 The method of least squares 1271
  • Linear least squares; non-linear least squares
  • 31.7 Hypothesis testing 1277
  • Simple and composite hypotheses; statistical tests; Neyman–Pearson; generalised
  • likelihood-ratio; Student’s t; Fisher’s F; goodness of fit
  • 31.8 Exercises 1298
  • 31.9 Hints and answers 1303