Monday, July 4, 2011

An Introduction to cosmology 3rd Ed-Matts Roos eBook download

An Introduction to cosmology, 3rd Ed - Matts Roos

Book information
  • Book title                    :An Introduction to cosmology, 3rd Ed
  • Author                         :Matts Roos
File information
  • File size                     :2.13 Mb
  • File format                : PDF File


Textbook Content Page

Preface to First Edition ix
Preface to Second Edition xi
Preface to Third Edition xiii
1 From Newton to Hubble 1
  • 1.1 Historical Cosmology 2
  • 1.2 Inertial Frames and the Cosmological Principle 7
  • 1.3 Olbers’ Paradox 9
  • 1.4 Hubble’s Law 12
  • 1.5 The Age of the Universe 17
  • 1.6 Expansion in a Newtonian World 19
2 Relativity 25
  • 2.1 Lorentz Transformations and Special Relativity 25
  • 2.2 Metrics of Curved Space-time 30
  • 2.3 Relativistic Distance Measures 37
  • 2.4 General Relativity and the Principle of Covariance 45
  • 2.5 The Principle of Equivalence 49
  • 2.6 Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation 54
3 Gravitational Phenomena 61
  • 3.1 Classical Tests of General Relativity 62
  • 3.2 The Binary Pulsar 63
  • 3.3 Gravitational Lensing 64
  • 3.4 Black Holes 71
  • 3.5 Gravitational Waves 80
4 Cosmological Models 87
  • 4.1 Friedmann–Lemaître Cosmologies 87
  • 4.2 de Sitter Cosmology 99
  • 4.3 Dark Energy 101
  • 4.4 Model Testing and Parameter Estimation.106
5 Thermal History of the Universe 113
  • 5.1 Photons 114
  • 5.2 Adiabatic Expansion 117
  • 5.3 Electroweak Interactions 122
  • 5.4 The Early Radiation Era 128
  • 5.5 Photon and Lepton Decoupling 132
  • 5.6 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis 139
6 Particles and Symmetries 149
  • 6.1 Spin Space 150
  • 6.2 SU(2) Symmetries 156
  • 6.3 Hadrons and Quarks 159
  • 6.4 The Discrete Symmetries C, P, T 163
  • 6.5 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 166
  • 6.6 Primeval Phase Transitions and Symmetries 171
  • 6.7 Baryosynthesis and Antimatter Generation 178
7 Cosmic Inflation 185
  • 7.1 Paradoxes of the Expansion 186
  • 7.2 ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Inflation 192
  • 7.3 Chaotic Inflation 196
  • 7.4 The Inflaton as Quintessence 202
  • 7.5 Cyclic Models 205
8 Cosmic Microwave Background 211
  • 8.1 The CMB Temperature 212
  • 8.2 Temperature Anisotropies 216
  • 8.3 Polarization Anisotropies 222
  • 8.4 Model Testing and Parameter Estimation. II 225
9 Cosmic Structures and Dark Matter 231
  • 9.1 Density Fluctuations 232
  • 9.2 Structure Formation 237
  • 9.3 The Evidence for Dark Matter 241
  • 9.4 Dark Matter Candidates 248
  • 9.5 The Cold Dark Matter Paradigm 252
10 Epilogue 259
  • 10.1 Singularities 259
  • 10.2 Open Questions 262
  • Tables 267
Index 271