Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Fundamentals Of Stellar Astrophysics - Collins G. W eBook download

The Fundamentals Of Stellar Astrophysics - Collins G. W

Book information
  • Book title                    :The Fundamentals Of Stellar Astrophysics
  • Author                         : Collins G. W
File information
  • File size                     : 8.73 Mb
  • File format                : PDF File


Textbook content title.

Part I Stellar Interiors
Chapter 1
Introduction and Fundamental Principles
  • 1.1 Stationary or “Steady” Properties of matter
  • a Phase Space and Phase Density
  • b Macrostates and Microstates.
  • c Probability and Statistical Equilibrium
  • d Quantum Statistics
  • e Statistical Equilibrium for a Gas
  • f Thermodynamic Equilibrium – Strict and Local
  • 1.2 Transport Phenomena
  • a. Boltzmann Transport Equation
  • b. Homogeneous Boltzmann Transport Equation and Liouville’s Theorem
  • c. Moments of the Boltzmann Transport Equation and Conservation Laws
  • 1.3 Equation of State for the Ideal Gas and Degenerate Matter
  • Problems
  • References and Supplemental Reading
Chapter 2
Basic Assumptions, Theorems, and Polytropes
  • 2.1 Basic Assumptions
  • 2.2 Integral Theorems from Hydrostatic Equilibrium
  • a Limits of State Variables
  • b β* Theorem and Effects of Radiation
  • Pressure
  • 2.3 Homology Transformations
  • 2.4 Polytropes
  • a Polytropic Change and the Lane-Emden
  • Equation
  • b Mass-Radius Relationship for Polytropes
  • c Homology Invariants
  • d Isothermal Sphere
  • e Fitting Polytropes Together
  • Problems
  • References and Supplemental Reading
  • Chapter 3
  • Sources and Sinks of Energy
3.1 "Energies" of Stars
  • a Gravitational Energy
  • b Rotational Energy
  • c Nuclear Energy
  • 3.2 Time Scales
  • a Dynamical Time Scale
  • b Kelvin-Helmholtz (Thermal) Time Scale
  • c Nuclear (Evolutionary) Time Scale
  • 3.3 Generation of Nuclear Energy
  • a General Properties of the Nucleus
  • b The Bohr Picture of Nuclear Reactions
  • c Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections
  • d Nuclear Reaction Rates
  • e Specific Nuclear Reactions
  • Problems
  • References and Supplemental Reading
  • Chapter 4
  • Flow of Energy through the Star and Construction of Stellar Models
4.1 The Ionization, Abundances, and Opacity of Stellar Material
  • a Ionization and the Mean Molecular Weight
  • b Opacity
  • 4.2 Radiative Transport and the Radiative Temperature Gradient
  • a Radiative Equilibrium
  • b Thermodynamic Equilibrium and Net Flux
  • c Photon Transport and the Radiative Gradient
  • d Conservation of Energy and the Luminosity
  • 4.3 Convective Energy Transport
  • a Adiabatic Temperature Gradient
  • b Energy Carried by Convection
  • 4.4 Energy Transport by Conduction
  • a Mean Free Path
  • b Heat Flow
  • 4.5 Convective Stability
  • a Efficiency of Transport Mechanisms
  • b Schwarzschild Stability Criterion
  • 4.6 Equations of Stellar Structure
  • 4.7 Construction of a Model Stellar Interior
  • a Boundary Conditions
  • b Schwarzschild Variables and Method
  • c Henyey Relaxation Method for Construction of Stellar Models
  • Problems
  • References and Supplemental Reading
Chapter 5
Theory of Stellar Evolution
  • 5.1 The Ranges of Stellar Masses, Radii, and Luminosity
  • 5.2 Evolution onto the Main Sequence
  • a Problems concerning the Formation of
  • Stars
  • b Contraction out of the Interstellar Medium
  • c Contraction onto the Main Sequence
  • 5.3 The Structure and Evolution of Main Sequence Stars
  • a Lower Main Sequence Stars
  • b Upper Main Sequence Stars
  • 5.4 Post Main Sequence Evolution
  • a Evolution off the Lower Main Sequence
  • b Evolution away from the Upper Main Sequence
  • c The Effect of Mass-loss on the Evolution of Stars
  • 5.5 Summary and Recapitulation
  • a Core Contraction - Envelope Expansion: Simple Reasons
  • b Calculated Evolution of a 5 M⊙ star
  • Problems
  • References and Supplemental Reading
Chapter 6
Relativistic Stellar Structure
  • 6.1 Field Equations of the General Theory of Relativity
  • 6.2 Oppenheimer-Volkoff Equation of Hydrostatic Equilibrium
  • a Schwarzschild Metric
  • b Gravitational Potential and Hydrostatic Equilibrium
  • 6.3 Equations of Relativistic Stellar Structure and Their Solutions
  • a A Comparison of Structure Equations
  • b A Simple Model
  • c Neutron Star Structure6.4 Relativistic Polytrope of Index 3
  • a Virial Theorem for Relativistic Stars
  • b Minimum Radius for White Dwarfs
  • c Minimum Radius for Super-massive Stars
  • 6.5 Fate of Super-massive Stars
  • a Eddington Luminosity
  • b Equilibrium Mass-Radius Relation
  • c Limiting Masses for Super-massive Stars
  • Problems
  • References and Supplemental Reading
Chapter 7
Structure of Distorted Stars
  • 7.1 Classical Distortion: The Structure Equations
  • a A Comparison of Structure Equations
  • b Structure Equations for Cylindrical Symmetry
  • 7.2 Solution of Structure Equations for a Perturbing
  • Force
  • a Perturbed Equation of Hydrostatic Equilibrium
  • b Number of Perturbative Equations versus Number of Unknowns
  • 7.3 Von Zeipel's Theorem and Eddington-Sweet Circulation Currents
  • a Von Zeipel's Theorem
  • b Eddington-Sweet Circulation Currents
  • 7.4 Rotational Stability and Mixing
  • a Shear Instabilities
  • b Chemical Composition Gradient and Suppression of Mixing
  • c Additional Types of Instabilities
  • Problems
  • References and Supplemental Reading
Chapter 8
Stellar Pulsation and Oscillation
  • 8.1 Linear Adiabatic Radial Oscillations
  • a Stellar Oscillations and the Variational Virial theoremb Effect of Magnetic Fields and Rotation on Radial Oscillations
  • c Stability and the Variational Virial Theorem
  • d Linear Adiabatic Wave Equation
  • 8.2 Linear Nonadiabatic Radial Oscillations
  • a Adiabatic Exponents
  • b Nonadiabatic Effects and Pulsational Stability
  • c Constructing Pulsational Models
  • d Pulsational Behavior of Stars
  • 8.3 Nonradial Oscillations
  • a Nature and Form of Oscillations
  • b Homogeneous Model and Classification of Modes
  • c Toroidal Oscillations
  • d Nonradial Oscillations and Stellar Structure
  • Problems
  • References and Supplemental Reading
  • Epilogue to Part I: Stellar Interiors
Part II Stellar Atmospheres
Chapter 9

The Flow of Radiation Through the Atmosphere
  • 9.1 Basic Assumptions for the Stellar Atmosphere
  • a Breakdown of Strict Thermodynamic Equilibrium 228
  • b Assumption of Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium 229
  • c Continuum and Spectral Lines 230
  • d Additional Assumptions of Normal Stellar Atmospheres 231
  • 9.2 Equation of Radiative Transfer 233
  • a Specific Intensity and Its Relation to the Density of Photons in Phase Space 233
  • b General Equation of Radiative Transfer
  • c "Creation" Rate and the Source Functiond Physical Meaning of the Source Function 240
  • e Special Forms of the Redistribution Function 241
  • 9.3 Moments of the Radiation Field 243
  • a Mean Intensity 244
  • b Flux 244
  • c Radiation Pressure 245
  • 9.4 Moments of the Equation of Radiative Transfer
  • a Radiative Equilibrium and Zeroth Moment of the Equation of Radiative Transfer
  • b First Moment of the Equation of Radiative
  • Transfer and the Diffusion Approximation
  • c Eddington Approximation 249
  • Problems 251
  • Supplemental Reading 252
Chapter 10
Solution of the Equation of Radiative Transfer 253
  • 10.1 Classical Solution to the Equation of Radiative Transfer and Integral Equations for the Source Function 254
  • a Classical Solution of the Equation of Transfer for the Plane-Parallel Atmosphere 254
  • b Schwarzschild-Milne Integral Equations 257
  • c Limb-darkening in a Stellar Atmosphere 260
  • 10.2 Gray Atmosphere 263
  • a Solution of Schwarzschild-Milne Equations for the Gray Atmosphere 265
  • b Solutions for the Gray Atmosphere Utilizing the Eddington Approximation 266
  • c Solution by Discrete Ordinates: Wick-Chandrasekhar Method 268
  • 10.3 Nongray Radiative Transfer 274
  • a Solutions of the Nongray Integral Equation for the Source Function 275
  • b Differential Equation Approach: The Feautrier Method 276
  • 10.4 Radiative Transport in a Spherical Atmosphere 279a Equation of Radiative Transport in Spherical Coordinates 280
  • b An Approach to Solution of the Spherical Radiative Transfer Problem 283
  • Problems 287
  • References and Supplemental Reading 289
Chapter 11
Environment of the Radiation Field 291
  • 11.1 Statistics of the Gas and the Equation of State 292
  • a Boltzmann Excitation Formula 292
  • b Saha Ionization Equilibrium Equation 293
  • 11.2 Continuous Opacity 296
  • a Hydrogenlike Opacity 296
  • b Neutral Helium297
  • c Quasi-atomic and Molecular States 297
  • d Important Sources of Continuous Opacity for Main Sequence Stars 299
  • 11.3 Einstein Coefficients and Stimulated Emission 300
  • a Relations among Einstein Coefficients 301
  • b Correction of the Mass Absorption Coefficient for Stimulated Emission 302
  • 11.4 Definitions and Origins of Mean Opacities 303
  • a Flux-Weighted (Chandrasekhar) Mean Opacity 304
  • b Rosseland Mean Opacity 304
  • c Planck Mean Opacity 306
  • 11.5 Hydrostatic Equilibrium and the Stellar Atmosphere 307
  • Problems 308
  • References 309
Chapter 12
The Construction of a Model Stellar Atmosphere 310
  • 12.1 Statement of the Basic Problem 310
  • 12.2 Structure of the Atmosphere, Given the Radiation Field 312
  • a Choice of the Independent Variable of Atmospheric Depth 314b Assumption of Temperature Dependence with Depth 314
  • c Solution of the Equation of Hydrostatic Equilibrium 314
  • 12.3 Calculation of the Radiation Field of the Atmosphere 316
  • 12.4 Correction of the Temperature Distribution and Radiative Equilibrium 318
  • a Lambda Iteration Scheme 318
  • b Avrett-Krook Temperature Correction Scheme 319
  • 12.5 Recapitulation 325
  • Problems 326
  • References and Supplemental Reading 328
Chapter 13
Formation of Spectral Lines 330
  • 13.1 Terms and Definitions Relating to Spectral Lines 331
  • a Residual Intensity, Residual Flux, and
  • Equivalent Width 331
  • b Selective (True) Absorption and Resonance
  • Scattering 333
  • c Equation of Radiative Transfer for Spectral
  • Line Radiation 335
  • 13.2 Transfer of Line Radiation through the Atmosphere 336
  • a Schuster-Schwarzschild Model Atmosphere for
  • Scattering Lines 336
  • b Milne-Eddington Model Atmosphere for the Formation of Spectral Lines 339
  • Problems 346
  • Supplemental Reading 347
Chapter 14
Shape of Spectral Lines 348
  • 14.1 Relation between the Einstein, Mass Absorption, and Atomic Absorption Coefficients 349
  • 14.2 Natural or Radiation Broadening 350
  • a Classical Radiation Damping 351b Quantum Mechanical Description of Radiation Damping 354
  • c Ladenburg f-value 355
  • 14.3 Doppler Broadening of Spectral Lines 357
  • a Microscopic Doppler Broadening 358
  • b Macroscopic Doppler Broadening 364
  • 14.4 Collisional Broadening 369
  • a Impact Phase-Shift Theory 370
  • b Static (Statistical) Broadening Theory 378
  • 14.5 Curve of Growth of the Equivalent Width 385
  • a Schuster-Schwarzschild Curve of Growth 385
  • b More Advanced Models for the Curve of Growth 389
  • c Uses of the Curve of Growth 390
  • Problems 392
  • References and Supplemental Reading 395
Chapter 15
Breakdown of Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium 398
  • 15.1 Phenomena Which Produce Departures from Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium 400
  • a Principle of Detailed Balancing 400
  • b Interlocking 401
  • c Collisional versus Photoionization 402
  • 15.2 Rate Equations for Statistical Equilibrium 403
  • a Two-Level Atom 403
  • b Two-Level Atom plus Continuum 407
  • c Multilevel Atom 409
  • d Thermalization Length 410
  • 15.3 Non-LTE Transfer of Radiation and the Redistribution Function 411
  • a Complete Redistribution 412
  • b Hummer Redistribution Functions 413
  • 15.4 Line Blanketing and Its Inclusion in the construction of Model Stellar Atmospheres and Its Inclusion in the Construction of Model Stellar Atmospheres 425
  • a Opacity Sampling 426b Opacity Distribution Functions 427
  • Problems 429
  • References and Supplemental Reading 430
Chapter 16
Beyond the Normal Stellar Atmosphere 432
  • 16.1 Illuminated Stellar Atmospheres 434
  • a Effects of Incident Radiation on the Atmospheric Structure 434
  • b Effects of Incident Radiation on the Stellar Spectra 439
  • 16.2 Transfer of Polarized Radiation 440
  • a Representation of a Beam of Polarized Light and the Stokes Parameters 440
  • b Equations of Transfer for the Stokes 445
  • c Solution of the Equations of Radiative Transfer for Polarized Light. 454
  • d Approximate Formulas for the Degree of Emergent Polarization 457
  • e Implications of the Transfer of Polarization for Stellar Atmospheres 465
  • 16.3 Extended Atmospheres and the Formation of Stellar
  • Winds 469
  • a Interaction of the Radiation Field with the Stellar Win 470
  • b Flow of Radiation and the Stellar Wind 474
  • Problems 477
  • References and Supplemental Reading 478
Epilog 480
Index 483
Errata to the W. H. Freeman edition. 495