Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Textbook for Materials Science (4-Vol Set)
David B. Williams,C. Barry Carter | 2004-08-31 00:00:00 | Springer | 703 | Engineering
This groundbreaking text provides the necessary instructions for hands-on application of this versatile materials characterization technique and is supported by over 600 illustrations and diagrams.
Dave Williams and Barry Carter have done a good job assembling this introduction to transmission electron microscopy based on their long and active careers in teaching and research. For the typical materials science upper class undergraduate or beginning graduate student, this textbook should serve as a good introduction. Teaching this complex and multifaceted technique is a herculean task--let alone writing a text book! That said, this is not the kind of book that I would have preferred as a novice in this field. I usually prefer books that concentrate on the more difficult and mathematically challenging concepts and leave other topics to anthologies such as this book or to review articles. Although this book gives a pretty reasonable introduction to the Howie-Whelan equations, it does not really go into Cowley-Moodie mulitislice theory. This is to be expected really, since understanding multislice theory requires the reader to have a stronger physics and mathematics background than that possessed by most materials scientists. However, for the student who is already quite familiar with the Schrodinger equation and has the equivalent of a B.S. in physics (as I did when I started materials science grad school) I would recommend Marc De Graef's book Introduction to Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy (Cambridge Solid State Science Series) as a more satisfying introduction to TEM (and which addresses both the Howie-Whelan and multislice approaches--as well as the unifying concept of the Sturkey scattering matrix). After reading De Graef's book you can then read Williams and Carter for an introduction to many other important topics.
Catalogs and appendix of four books at the begining and ending of each book are extractly the same. Why do they put them in all four books to increase the whole pages and increase the price. The four books could be two books of same pages with no difference in contents.
Beside that, it's a very good text book.
I bought this book as soon as I found out I would likely get a job working with TEMs. I had already bought a very physics oriented book by Reimer that is also excellent, but this book is simply a joy to read. Ample color diagrams and real micrographs together with witty, keen narrative make it the first technical book in years that I have read till the wee hours of the morning. I think that if you can read the whole book and retain 90% of what you have read and have the opportunity to apply it in real life on an actual TEM then you will be able to call yourself a TEM expert of sorts.
I have found that reading the Reimer text together with this one makes a hard to beat combination. When the physics gets too tough in Reimer I take a break and read this text and get a better intuitive grasp of the material or an alternate derivation with a few less triple integrals, then delve back into Reimer with renewed vigor.
To the authors, I would like to buy you both a round of beers some day, this text is timely and I am glad to have found it when I did.
If you are ever going to touch an electron microscope - especially a transmission type electron microscope - make sure that you have this book readily available to you. You do not necessarily need the new edition. The contents are pretty much the same. However - while the first edition was easy to read, the second is even more so. The occasional colour images and a modernized language really do help. Also make sure to get the paperback edition, which is conveniently divided into four books.
A very good book for understanding all the backgrounds in TEM,very detailed. But it might be a little difficult for the beginners.If you have a teacher to assist you read through the book, and you can consult him or her frequently, it is much better.
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