Accidentally Were?
Anne Douglas | 2007-01-01 00:00:00 | Loose Id | 68 | Romance Novels
I came across this book purely by accident. After reading the sample I decided to give it a try. I must say that enjoyed this book more than I originally anticipated. It kind of reminded me of the books by Shelly Laurenston. Anne Douglas adds humor in telling her story between Pearl and Rex. I've been searching for a book like this and was not disappointed. I will happily buy the second book in this series "Witch Vamp Were" but apparently Amazon is not selling it at this time (BOOO TO YOU AMAZON!). I recommend you go to Ms. Douglas's website and read the sample of the second installment... maybe together we can convince the powers that be to add the book to Amazon. All in all, I recommend this book. It is a fun and enjoyable read.
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