Thursday, June 2, 2011

Handbook of Particle Physics - J. Sundaresan Ebook download

HandbooHandbook of Particle Physics - J. Sundaresan

Textbook information
  • Text book title            : HandbooHandbook of Particle Physics
  • Author                         :J. Sundaresan
File information
  • File size                     : 3.38 Mb
  • File format                : DjVu File
  • Total No. of pages    : 439 pages


Text book content page

1 -Historical Overview
  • Electron Discovered (1897)
  • Photon--Quantum of Radiation (1905)
  • Natural Radioactivity
  • Thomson Model of Atom
  • Rutherford Model of Atom
  • Measurement of Electron Charge by Millikan, X-ray Diffrac-
  • tion, Isotopes
  • Bohr Model of the Atom and the Beginnings of Quantum Me-
  • chanics
  • Chemistry, Nuclear Physics as Separate Disciplines
  • Proton Discovered (1919)
  • Need for Neutral Component in the Nucleus
  • Strong Interactions as Distinct from Electromagnetic
  • Intrinsic Angular Momentum--Electron Spin Introduced
  • Proton Spin Determined
  • Dirac's Theory of the Electron
  • Events Leading to the Discovery of the Neutron
  • Chadwick's Discovery of the Neutron
  • Photon Spin Determined (1931)
  • Nuclear Magnetic Moments Measured; Neutron Spin
  • Electron Spin from Dirac's Theory and Antiparticles
  • Discovery of Cosmic Radiation and the Positron
  • Postulate of the Neutrino
  • Field Theory of 3 Decay
  • Yukawa's Prediction of Mesons
  • Nuclear Physics Developments (1930-1950); Isotopic Spin
  • Muon discovered
  • Lamb Shift, # - 2 measurements
  • Field Theories--Quantization and QED
  • Pion Discovered (1947)
  • V Particles
  • Pions Produced in the Laboratory (1949)
  • Pion Properties Determined (1951)
  • Nature of V Particles Clarified: A �� and K ��
  • Charged Hyperons
  • V Particles, Hyperons, New Particles, Produced in the Labo-
  • ratory
  • Associated Production of New Particles
  • Gell-Mann, Nishijima Scheme
  • Yang-Mills Field Theory (1954)
  • The Tau-Theta Puzzle
  • Parity Violation Observed (1957)
  • C'P Conservation (1957)
  • Neutral K Mesons and C'P Violation
  • SU3 Symmetry
  • Other Theoretical Developments (1950-1970)
  • Other Developments in Experimental Techniques (1950-1990)
  • Direct Observation of Neutrinos (1956)
  • Neutrinos of Different Flavor (1957)
  • Experimental Discovery of Neutrinos of Different Flavor (1963)
  • Quark-Lepton Symmetry and Charm Quark Proposal (1964)
  • Bjorken Scaling and Its Experimental Discovery (1969)
  • Parton Model (1969)
  • Renormalization of Yang-Mills Field Theory (1971)
  • Experiments Find Weak Neutral Current Effects (1973)
  • Yang-Mills Theories and Asymptotic Freedom (1973)
  • QCD Formulated (1973)
  • Standard Model Formulated (1973-1974)
  • Discovery of Charm Quark; Hidden Charm (1974)
  • Charm Hadrons Found (1975-1977)
  • Tau Lepton Found (1975)
  • Discovery of the Bottom/Beauty Quark; Hidden Bottom/Beauty
  • (1977)
  • Efforts at Grand Unification
  • Supersymmetry
  • Weak Neutral Currents (1978)
  • Evidence for Gluons (1979)
  • Gluon Spin Determined (1980)
  • Hadrons with b Quarks Found (1981)
  • Discovery of W + and Z �� (1983)
  • High Energy e+e - Experiments at LEP and SLC
  • Discovery of the Top Quark (1995)
  • More on Neutrinos
  • Future Outlook
2-Historical Overview of Accelerators and Colliding Beam
  • Machines
  • Accelerators
  • Cockcroft-Walton Generators
  • Van de Graaff Accelerator
  • Cyclotron
  • Synchrocyclotron
  • Betatron
  • Betatron Oscillations
  • Synchrotron: Principle of Phase Stability
  • Alternating Gradient Strong Focusing Machines
  • Some FLxed Target High Energy Accelerators
  • Synchrotron Radiation
  • Linear Accelerator
  • Colliding Beams Accelerator
  • Luminosity in Colliding Beams
  • Proton-Proton and Proton-Antiproton Colliders
  • e+e - Collider Rings
  • e+e - Linear Collider
3-Historical Overview of Detector Developments
  • Development of Detectors for Particle Physics
  • Ionization Energy Loss and the Bethe-Bloch Equation
  • Effects of Multiple Scattering of Charged Particles
  • Energy Loss by Radiation: Bremsstrahlung
  • Physical Processes with Photons
  • Atomic Photoelectric Absorption
  • Scattering of Photons by Quasi-Free Electrons
  • Production of Electron-Positron Pairs by Gamma Rays
  • Energy Loss by Strong Interactions
  • Zinc-Sulphide Screen
  • Cloud Chamber
  • Bubble Chamber
  • Spark Chamber