Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fundamentals of statistical mechanics - Bloch eBook download

 Fundamentals of statistical mechanics - Bloch
Textbook information
  • Text book title            : Fundamentals of statistical mechanics
  • Author                         : Bloch
File information
  • File size                     :2.40  Mb
  • File format                : DJVU File


Text book content page

Chapter I: Introduction and Basic Concepts ........... 1
Chapter II: Classical Physics .................. 3

  • 1. Hamilton's Equations ................. 3
  • 2. Phase Space .................... 14
  • 3. Liouville's Theorem ................. 15
  • Chapter III: The Statistical Ensemble ............. 24
  • 4. Distribution Function and Probability Density ...... 24
  • 5. Mean Values .................... 26
  • Additive Quantities ................ 30
  • 6. Time Dependence of the Phase Density ......... 33
  • Chapter IV: Thermal Equilibrium and The Canonical Distribution 40
  • 7. Stationary Mean Values ............... 40
  • Conditions of Equilibrium ............. 42
  • 8. Constancy of the Distribution Function ......... 43
  • 9. The Canonical Distribution .............. 50
  • 10. Thermodynamic Functions .............. 55
  • 11. The Partition Function ................ 61
  • 12. The Statistical Significance of Entropy .......... 62
  • Chapter V: Applications of Classical Statistics ......... 74
  • 13. Ideal Monaromic Gases ................ 74
  • Energy ..................... 77
  • Heat Capacity .................. 77
  • Entropy ..................... 78
  • Free Energy ................... 78
  • Distribution in the #-Space ............ 79
  • 14. The Virial Theorem ................. 80
  • 15. The Equipartition Theorem .............. 92
  • 16. Examples ...................... 95
  • Mean Kinetic Energy ............... 95
  • Diatomic Molecules ................ 95
  • Rigid Rotations ................ 98
  • Vibrations .................. 100
  • Solids ...................... 106
  • Normal Coordinates ............. 110
  • Linear Chain ................. 116
  • Periodic Boundary Conditions .......... 126
  • Three-Dimensional Solid ............ 133
  • Black-Body Radiation ............... 138
  • 17. Magnetism ..................... 145
  • Chapter VI: Quantum Statistics ............... 157
  • 18. Basic Elements of Quantum Mechanics ......... 157
  • 19. The Density Matrix ................. 162
  • 20. The Statistical Ensemble ............... 164
  • 21. Time Dependence of the Density Matrix ........ 174
  • 22. Thermal Equilibrium ................. 177
  • 23. The Canonical Distribution .............. 184
  • 24. Thermodynamic Functions and the Partition Function . 187
  • The Nernst Heat Theorem ............. 189
  • Chapter VII: Applications of Quantum Statistics ........ 193
  • 25. Ideal Monaromic Gases ................ 193
  • 26. Mean Energy of Harmonic Oscillator .......... 197
  • 27. Examples ...................... 200
  • Diatomic Molecules ................ 200
  • Specific Heat of Solids ............... 209
  • The Debye Approximation ........... 210
  • Black-Body Radiation ............... 215
  • Magnetism .................... 216
  • Weiss Theory of Ferromagnetism ........ 222
  • Transition from Quantum to Classical
  • Statistical Mechanics ............ 223
  • 28. Identical Particles .................. 225
  • 29. The Grand Canonical Ensemble ............ 229
  • 30. Fermi Statistics ................... 233
  • 31. Bose Statistics ................... 243
  • Appendix A: Canonical Transformations and Poisson Brackets 251
  • Appendix B: General Proof of Liouville's Theorem ....... 258
  • Appendix C: Molecular Distributions ............. 262
  • Appendix D: Some Properties of Fourier Series ......... 265
  • Appendix E: Basic Texts and Monographs ........... 267
  • Problems ......................... 271
  • Index ........................... 297