Surveys in Combinatorics
Peter Rowlinson | 1995-01-01 00:00:00 | Cambridge University Press | 240 | Mathematics
This volume provides an up-to-date survey of current research activity in several areas of combinatorics and its applications. These include distance-regular graphs, combinatorial designs, coding theory, spectra of graphs, and randomness and computation. The articles give an overview of combinatorics that will be extremely useful to both mathematicians and computer scientists.
Euclideann geometry of distance regular graphs 1
Large sets of Steiner triples 25
Searching with lies 41
Spin models for link invariants 71
Computational Polya theory 103
Mixing of random walks and other diffusions on a graph 119
Cayley graphs: eigenvalues, expanders and random walks 155
Construction and classification of combinatorial designs 191
Modern probabilistic methods in combinatorics 215
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