Monday, February 21, 2011

Answer Book for Calculus (3rd Edition)

Answer Book for Calculus (3rd Edition)
Michael Spivak | 1900-01-01 00:00:00 | Publish or Perish | 418 | Mathematics
I taught myself the material in this book. I don't think I'd have been able to understand the material without the answer book. However the answers were quite clear and I don't understand how anybody could consider this a "hint" book.
This book is a really great study aid to be used with Spivak's Calculus. Especially for students with professors that give a lot of theory and not a lot of examples. The answer book does not give all the answers outright, but gives many very good hints otherwise that can really shorten your search time.
The solutions in this book are dubious, often lacking in mathematical vigor. They do occasionally provide the reader with a good idea of where to start his proof.
You can find in this book solutions to all the problems (as far as I have checked) in the Calculus book, but some solutions are too terse and elegant to be of use to beginning students. Sometimes it is necessary to be more explicit so that students are reminded of theorems and not to take for granted that they have been mastered.
I am the author and publisher of this book. I have emailed and faxed numerous times (5 times for the fax alone!)

telling them that it is not out of print. But they simply ignore me. If you'd like this book you do not have to pay $600

for it!! Just tell the folks at to stop being idiots!

Download this book!

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