Friday, August 26, 2011

Course Of Theoretical Physics (Landau and Lifshitz) complete eBook download list

1) Vol. 1. Mechanics (3rd ed, eng) - Landau, Lifshitz

2) Volume 2. The Classical Theory of Fields - Landau, Lifshitz

3) Volume 3. Quantum Mechanics - Non-Relativistic Theory - Landau and Lifshitz

4) Vol. 4. Quantum Electrodynamics (2nd ed, eng) - Landau and Lifshitz

5) Vol. 5. Statistical Physics Part 1 (2nd ed, eng) - Landau and Lifshitz

6) Vol. 6. Fluid mechanics (2nd ed) - Landau, Lifschitz

7) Volume 7 - Theory of Elasticity - Landau and Lifshitz

8) Volume 8  Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (2nd ed)

9) Vol. 9. Statistical Physics Part 2 (2nd ed, eng)

10) Vol.10. Physical Kinetics (1st ed) - Landau, Lifshitz