Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Issac Asimov collection eBook download

Issac Asimov collection

Book information
  • Text book title            : Issac Asimov collection 
  • Author                        : Issac Asimov
File information
  • File size                     : 3.64 Mb 
  • File format                : PDF File


    The Dobsonian Telescope-A Practical Manual for Building Large Aperture Telescopes

    The Dobsonian Telescope - A Practical Manual for Building Large Aperture Telescopes

    Book information
    • Text book title            :The Dobsonian Telescope - A Practical Manual for Building Large Aperture Telescopes

    • Author                       : David Kriege, Richard Berry

    File information
    • File size                     : 6.5 Mb

    • File format                : PDF File


    Making Your Own Telescope-Allyn J. Thompson eBook download

    Making Your Own Telescope - Allyn J. Thompson

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Making Your Own Telescope

    • Author                       : Allyn J. Thompson

    File information
    • File size                     : 6.43 Mb

    • File format                : DJVU File


    Monday, August 29, 2011

    Vibrations and Waves- Benjamin Crowell eBook download

    Vibrations and Waves - Benjamin Crowell

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Vibrations and Waves

    • Author                       : Benjamin Crowell

    File information
    • File size                     : 4.98 Mb

    • File format                : PDF File


    The Modern Revolution in Physics-Benjamin Crowell eBook download

    The Modern Revolution in Physics - Benjamin Crowell

    Book information
    • Text book title            : The Modern Revolution in Physics

    • Author                       : Benjamin Crowell

    File information
    • File size                     : 3.21 Mb

    • File format                : PDF File


    optics-Benjamin Crowell eBook download

    Optics - Benjamin Crowell

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Optics

    • Author                       : Benjamin Crowell

    File information
    • File size                     : 12.27 Mb

    • File format                : PDF File


    Newtonian Physics-Benjamin Crowell eBook download

    Newtonian Physics - Benjamin Crowell

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Newtonian Physics

    • Author                       : Benjamin Crowell

    File information
    • File size                     : 13.67 Mb

    • File format                : PDF File


    Sunday, August 28, 2011

    Discover Physics-Crowell eBook download

    Discover Physics - Benjamin Crowell

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Discover Physics

    • Author                       : Benjamin Crowell

    File information
    • File size                     : 11.7 Mb

    • File format                : PDF File


    Simple Nature-Crowell eBook download

    Simple Nature - Benjamin Crowell

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Simple Nature

    • Author                       : Benjamin Crowell

    File information
    • File size                     : 18.2 Mb

    • File format                : PDF File


    Conservation Laws-Benjamin Crowell eBook download

    Conservation Laws - Benjamin Crowell

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Conservation Laws

    • Author                       : Benjamin Crowell

    File information
    • File size                     : 8.89 Mb

    • File format                : PDF File


    Conceptual Physics-benjamin crowell eBook download

    Conceptual Physics - Benjamin Crowell

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Conceptual Physics

    • Author                       : Benjamin Crowell

    File information
    • File size                     : 14.34 Mb

    • File format                : PDF File


    Benjamin Crowell Collection eBook download list

    1) Electricity and Magnetism - Benjamin Crowell

    2) Conceptual Physics - Benjamin Crowell

    3) Conservation Laws - Benjamin Crowell

    4)Simple Nature - Benjamin Crowell

    5) Discover Physics - Benjamin Crowell

    6) Newtonian Physics - Benjamin Crowell

     7) Optics - Benjamin Crowell

    8)  The Modern Revolution in Physics - Benjamin Crowell

    9)  Vibrations and Waves - Benjamin Crowell

    Electricity and Magnetism-Benjamin Crowell eBook download

    Electricity and Magnetism - Benjamin Crowell

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Electricity and Magnetism

    • Author                       : Benjamin Crowell

    File information
    • File size                     : 2.43 Mb

    • File format                : PDF File


    Saturday, August 27, 2011

    Vol.10. Physical Kinetics (1st ed)-Landau,Lifshitz eBook download

    Vol.10. Physical Kinetics (1st ed) - Landau, Lifshitz

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Vol.10. Physical Kinetics (1st ed)

    • Author                       : Landau, Lifshitz

    File information
    • File size                     : 4.01 Mb

    • File format                : DJVU File


    Volume 8 Electrodynamics of Continuous Media 2nd ed eBook download

    Volume 8  Electrodynamics of Continuous Media 2nd ed

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Volume 8. Electrodynamics of Continuous Media 2nd ed

    • Author                       : Landau, Lifshitz

    File information
    • File size                     : 4.7 Mb

    • File format                : DJVU File


    Volume 7-Theory of Elasticity-Landau and Lifshitz eBook download

    Volume 7 - Theory of Elasticity - Landau and Lifshitz

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Volume 7. Theory of Elasticity

    • Author                       : Landau, Lifshitz

    File information
    • File size                     : 5.35Mb

    • File format                : PDF File


    Vol. 6. Fluid mechanics (2nd ed) - Landau, Lifschitz eBook download

    Vol. 6. Fluid mechanics (2nd ed) - Landau, Lifschitz

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Vol. 6. Fluid mechanics (2nd ed)

    • Author                       : Landau, Lifshitz

    File information
    • File size                     : 5.7 Mb

    • File format                : DJVU File


    Friday, August 26, 2011

    Vol. 5. Statistical Physics Part 2 (2nd ed, eng) eBook download

    Vol. 5. Statistical Physics Part 2 (2nd ed, eng)

    Book information
    • Text book title            :Vol. 5. Statistical Physics Part 2 (2nd ed, eng)

    • Author                       : Landau, Lifshitz

    File information
    • File size                     : 5.9 Mb

    • File format                : DJVU File


    Vol. 5. Statistical Physics Part 1 (3rd ed, eng) eBook download

    Vol. 5. Statistical Physics Part 1 (3rd ed, eng)

    Book information
    • Text book title            :Vol. 5. Statistical Physics Part 1 (3rd ed, eng)

    • Author                       : Landau, Lifshitz

    File information
    • File size                     : 7.85 Mb

    • File format                : DJVU File


    Vol. 4. Quantum Electrodynamics (2nd ed, eng) - Landau Lifshitz eBook download

    Vol. 4. Quantum Electrodynamics (2nd ed, eng) - Landau & Lifshitz

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Vol. 4. Quantum Electrodynamics (2nd ed, eng)

    • Author                       : Landau, Lifshitz

    File information
    • File size                     : 6.85 Mb

    • File format                : DJVU File


    Quantum Mechanics-Non-Relativistic Theory. Vol. 3-Landau and Lifshitz eBook download

    Quantum Mechanics - Non-Relativistic Theory. Vol 3 - Landau and Lifshitz

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Volume 3 - Quantum Mechanics - Non-Relativistic Theory

    • Author                       : Landau, Lifshitz

    File information
    • File size                     : 8.27 Mb

    • File format                : DJVU File


    The Classical Theory of Fields-Volume 2 eBook download

    Volume 2 - The Classical Theory of Fields

    Book information
    • Text book title            : Volume 2 - The Classical Theory of Fields

    • Author                       : Landau, Lifshitz

    File information
    • File size                     : 3.62 Mb

    • File format                : DJVU File
