Pure Distraction
Carolina Barbour | 2008-01-01 00:00:00 | Siren Publishing | 212 | Fiction
Ms. Barbour has written what is classified as an erotic futuristic romance but I would also like to point out that there are a few suspenseful twists and turns, and a "whodunit" flavor to this erotic offering. Pure Distraction is just that, a huge distraction if you want to get anything else done while reading it. I found that Ms. Barbour did a great job in not only setting up this alternate society but also showing both how it was supposed to work and how it changed. Readers should note that there are also a few M/M encounters as part of the storyline. Overall, I found the world Ms. Barbour created to be intriguing and I hope she hopes to use it in future adventures. Pure Distraction is a great summer read, but make sure you have time to sit and read it all, as you will find you keep going back to it until you finish it.
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