Cambridge First Certificate Listening and Speaking Student's book
Sue O'Connell, Louise Hashemi | 2000-01-01 00:00:00 | Cambridge University Press | 112 | Education
Cambridge First Certificate Listening and Speaking is designed to bridge the gap between creative skills training and systematic preparation for Papers 4 and 5 of the Cambridge First Certificate examination. An introductory Foundation unit aims to increase awareness of the target skills. Sixteen alternating listening and speaking units follow. Each unit introduces and practises specific skills and language areas; these are followed up by exam format tasks. Activities are varied and motivating, and the link between skills development and exam training is always made clear. There is a wide range of listening texts, including authentic recordings, and a rich source of visual material for communicative oral practice. The book concludes with review units and two practice tests, which enable learners to test their progress and develop their exam skills further.
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