Friday, August 14, 2009

Well Completion Design

The book focuses on the design of completions starting from low-rate land wellsimage to highly sophisticated deep water sub sea smart wells with stimulation and sand control, covering most options in between. There is no regional focus, so it is inevitable that  some specialized techniques will be glossed over. To be applicable to a wide audience, vendor specifics have been excluded where possible. This book aims to cover all the major considerations for completions, from the near well bore to the interface with facilities. The intent is to provide guidance for all those who use or interface with completions, from reservoir and drilling engineers through petroleum and completion engineers to production and facilities engineers. Completions are the conduit between hydrocarbon reservoirs and surface facilities. They are a fundamental part of any hydrocarbon field development project. The have to be designed for safely maximizing the hydrocarbon recovery from the well and may have to last for many years under ever changing conditions.


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