Friday, August 14, 2009

Subsea Pipelines and Riser

New pipeline and riser technologies are being required because the new energy sources are being found in deeper water depths and in more hostile environments. Project designimage requirements frequently include hurricanes or typhoons, earthquakes, subsea mudslides, natural seabed erosion, liquefaction and soils transport by currents plus the industry wide goal to maintain control over our natural recourses and prevent any damage to the environment. Tsunamis are now added to this exhaustive list, highlighted by this year's major disaster. Being an avid pipeline engineer for many years, it was with the keenest interest that I reviewed the contents of this new text. What I discovered was a vault of valuable and compelling information for both the seasoned pipeline engineering veteran and the newest student to the field. The subject matter is very detailed and contains the necessary depth to satisfy both the daily engineering needs as well as entry level information into developing fields. This work extends the breadth and scope of Professor Yong Bai's previous pipeline and riser text by the addition of many new subjects and fiirther depth within principal design topics. The pipeline and riser design, system reliability and flow assurance information that has been collected and developed within this book saves engineers countless hours of acquiring and compiling technical papers and specifications. And in the fast paced offshore pipeline engineering business, time like reserves is continually in short supply.


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