Thursday, January 6, 2011

ASP.NET Website Programming, Visual Basic .NET Edition: Problem, Design, Solution

ASP.NET Website Programming, Visual Basic .NET Edition: Problem, Design, Solution
| 2002-12-01 00:00:00 | | 544 | ASP.NET

ASP.NET Website Programming shows you how to build an interactive website from design to deployment.

Packed with solutions to website programming problems, this book will have you building well-engineered, extendable ASP.NET websites quickly and easily.

What you need to know

This book is for developers who:Use ASP.NET and Visual Basic .NET Use Visual Studio(r) .NET Professional or above, or Visual Basic(r) .NET Standard

What you will learn from this book

With ASP.NET Website Programming you will learn to:Establish a solid, scalable website foundation Provide flexible user accounts by integrating with ASP.NET's built-in security Create fully featured discussion forums Generate revenue from advertising Build a web interface for managing the files on your site Add opinion polls, e-mail newsletters, and news management Deploy the finished site on a live server Build websites using good, n-tier coding techniques

`I was very impressed with this work. This is a great book that the intermediate-to-advanced .NET developer should get their hands on. It's very well thought-out and the lessons are plainly stated, and easy to follow.` ?Jason Salas MBA MCP - Web Development Manager, KUAM.COM

User review
I've read through many of the reviews on this site, both positive and negative. The main point is that if you are a beginner to ASP.NET, C#, or both then this book is NOT for you. However, if you have some experience with ASP.NET and C#.NET and would like to learn more about an N-Tier approach (essentially programming in .NET the RIGHT way) then this book is a MUST. I can't understand why anyone would give this book less than a 5 star rating that meet the authors' intended audience criteria (which, by the way, is stated in the book). I have read the book cover to cover several times and constantly use it as a resource. The book is a series of examples leading up to one project, but I don't think the authors' main intentions were for us to try and build From this book I took away the understanding of how to build a scalable, portable, professional Web site having 100% control over it.

If you build web sites with ASP.NET as a novice or hobbyist and want to get to the next level, this book is for you! I own both the VB.NET and C#.NET versions and I highly recommend either one.

User review
Outstanding ASP.NET Case Study
ASP.NET Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution, C# Edition by Marco Bellinaso & Kevin Hoffman is one of the most USABLE books I have seen. I stress the word USABLE because most books are either reference manuals or just teaching tools. Either one need is hit upon or the other, whereas with this book you get to have your cake and eat it too!

The whole design of this book revolves around designing a web site from the ground up, all using ASP.NET with C# as the programming language of choice. The authors assume that you begin with nothing and you need to have all the parts of your web site hit upon to get this up and running for corporate or personal use. Since .NET is still a very new tool, this book is a very helpful resource to have for any and all web developers.

The Authors break the book up into the following parts:

Design of the overall layout, database, look and feel

Setting up basic foundations like CSS, navigation, etc

Editing and viewing all files that make up the site hierarchy

A look at managing news (information displayed to the user)

How advertising can be set up to bring in revenue

Creating and displaying polls on your site

Working with Mailing Lists

Managing a Forum

Deploying the site to the world

A discussion of different data stores that can be used

The writing in this book is very clear-cut and easy to follow. Using the code supplied in this book, the user can modify as they see fit and get their own site up and running in no time.

As an ASP.NET case study, this is the best book that I have seen to follow a site from birth to adulthood. This is a fantastic book for all C#, ASP.NET, web developers and it's a great addition to your current staple of related programming books.


User review
A reference book for developing a commercial web site
I did not like the layout of the matiral, a bit clombsy but as a refernce book for finding out how to develop a commercial web site it sure does the work.

User review
Great book,,. but definitely not for beginners
This book is supposed to be used by intermediate-to-experienced .NET programmers. If you have known almost everything about .NET and had some experience developing real-life web application, you see this book worth reading.

It covers a lot of matters in developing a typical ASP.NET web site. The book goes from module to module, and in each module the approach is problem-design-solution. I dont think I saw much use of design patterns, which is something I desparately want to know how to apply, but the design is generally good and specific to ASP.NET. In other words, it takes advantage of ASP.NET in terms of event models, code behind, custom controls, configuration settings, and ADO.NET of course,,. About using ADO.NET, it is not just simply and directly binding database to DataGrid, DataList. Instead, the authors did a good job in deciding where to use ADO.NET features and where to use object-oriented features.

The book also covers data modeling to the level of stored procedure, triggers, relationships, transactions,,. This makes the development process look more professional and integrated.

Though there existed some bugs in the code and the book itself takes time and hard to read, i strongly recommend this book to any one who pursues a real good career in .NET.

User review
This book has got me writing a lot of code
This is definitely one of my favorite books. I've read it cover to cover and I'm constantly going back to use the examples as patterns for building web sites and modules. This is an excellent book for intermediate programmers. I read Beginning Visual C# first, and then skipped around through several ASP.NET books. I really can't say enough good things about this book. It's the best programming book I've ever read. If you want to learn how to build solid ASP.NET websites using C#, this is the book you need.

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