Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Auditing Process Safety Management Systems

Chapter 1—Management of Process Safety Management Systems Audits

Discusses a number of choices on issues relating to the design of an audit program for process safety management systems. These issues include audit scope, frequency, staffing, reporting, follow-up, and quality assurance. It emphasizes the importance of clearly defining the program objectives and developing a consistent approach.

Chapter 2—Audit Techniques

Describes various audit activities and tools, including preparation, audit guides, methods for gathering data, evaluating field work, recordkeeping, and follow-up. Provides examples of audit guides and interviewing techniques.

Chapter 3—Accountability and Responsibility

Discusses the indicators of accountabib'ty and responsibility which should be considered in a process safety management systems audit. As accountability and responsibility are principles rather than activities, they are difficult to audit; therefore, the auditor needs to identify specific indicators.

The remaining nine chapters discuss the auditing of the elements in a comprehensive process safety management system. These include

Chapter 4—Process Safety Knowledge

Chapter 5—Project Safety Reviews

Chapter 6—Management of Change

Chapter 7—Process Equipment Integrity

Chapter 8—Process Risk Management

Chapter 9—Incident Investigation

Chapter 10—Human Factors

Chapter 11—Training and Performance

Chapter 12—Emergency Response Planning
