Saturday, October 15, 2011

Engines of Creation - The Coming Era of Nanotechnology eBook download

Engines of Creation - The Coming Era of Nanotechnology

Book information
  • Text book title            : Engines of Creation - The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
  • Author                        : Eric Drexler

File information
  • File size                     : 4.33 Mb
  • File format                : PDF File


Nanotechnology eBook download list

1) Nanotechnology For Dummies

2) Engines of Creation - The Coming Era of Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology For Dummies eBook download

Nanotechnology For Dummies

Book information
  • Text book title            : Nanotechnology For Dummies 
  • Author                        : Earl Boysen Nancy C. Muir Desiree Dudley  Christine Peterson

File information
  • File size                     : 8.558 Mb
  • File format                : PDF File


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Real Astronomy with Small Telescopes: Step-by-Step Activities for Discovery eBook download

Real Astronomy with Small Telescopes: Step-by-Step Activities for Discovery (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series) - Michael K. Gainer

Book information
  • Text book title            : Real Astronomy with Small Telescopes: Step-by-Step Activities for Discovery
  • Author                       : Michael K. Gainer

File information
  • File size                     : 3.20 Mb
  • File format                : PDF File


A History of Astronomy (Dover Books on Astronomy) A. Pannekoek eBook download

A History of Astronomy (Dover Books on Astronomy) - A. Pannekoek

Book information
  • Text book title            :A History of Astronomy (Dover Books on Astronomy)
  • Author                        : A. Pannekoek

File information
  • File size                     : 26.46 Mb
  • File format                : DJVU File


Mathematics in India Kim Plofker eBook download

Mathematics in India - Kim Plofker

Book information
  • Book title                    : Mathematics in India
  • Author                         : Kim Plofker

File information
  • File size                     : 2.38 Mb
  • File format                : PDF File


elementary solid state physics ali omar eBook download

Elementary solid state physics - Ali omar

Book information
  • Book title                    : Elementary solid state physics
  • Author                         : M Ali omar

File information
  • File size                     : 14.25 Mb
  • File format                : PDF File
